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Studio Georgeville - Art Gallery
art et community Studio Georgeville

2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009


Winter Exhibition
November 16, 2024 to January 26, 2025

Salon d'automne
September 6 to November 10, 2024

Salon d'Été
June 22 to September 1, 2024

Salon de printemps
March 16, to June 16, 2024


Christmas exhibition
Saturday, November 18, 2023 to sunday January 28, 2024

Salon d'automne
Saturday, September 8, 2023 to sunday November 12, 2023

Studio Georgeville Celebrating 15 Years!
Saturday, June 24, 2023, to Sunday, September 3, 2023

Exposition Impressions et lumière
Saturday, March 11, 2023, to Sunday, June 18, 2023


Christmas Exhibition
Saturday, November 12, 2022, to Sunday, January 29, 2023

Autumn Gold
Tuesday, August 23, 2022, to Sunday, November 6, 2022

Splash !!!
Saturday, June 25, 2022, to Sunday, August 21, 2022

Spring Forward
Saturday, March 12 to Sunday, June 19, 2022


Christmas Exhibition
Saturday, November 13, 2021, to Sunday, January 30, 2022

Saturday, October 16, 2021 to Sunday, November 7, 2021

Tuesday, August 31, 2021, to Sunday, October 10, 2021

Ceramics !
A celebration of ceramics and a retrospective honoring Jason Krpan the potter

Tuesday, August 3, 2021, to Sunday, August 29, 2021

SALON D'ÉTÉ - Moving Forward
Tuesday, June 22 to Sunday, August 1, 2021

Saturday, March 13 to Sunday, June 13, 2021


Porte ouverte
March 7 to April 26, Vernissage March 7

May 2 to June 21, Vernissage May 2

Salon d'été
July 11 to september 6

Esprit de Georgeville
Thursday, September 3, to Sunday, November 15, 2020

Christmas Market
November 21 to January 31, Vernissage November 21


March 2 to April 28,
Vernissage March 2

Mind & Matter
May 4 to June 16,
Vernissage May 4

In The Garden
June 22 to July 14,
Vernissage June 22

Members Show #3
July 16 to August 4,
Vernissage July 20

71 %
August 6 to September 8,
Vernissage August 10

Out Of The Woods
September 12 to November 10,
Vernissage September 14

Christmas Exhibition & Sale
November 16 to January 26, 2020,
Vernissage November 16

Life Drawing
Agnes McKenna Power, Held in March/April

Music Lecture Series
"The Journey Within", Erich Kory, Held in May

One afternoon, two literary events, three authors!
Colleen Curran, Steve Luxton, Marjorie Bruhmuller, Sunday, June 9, 2019

Amerindian Healing Ways
Paul-Conrad Carignan & Sylvia Bertolini, Held in July

Raku Workshop
Sara Mills, Held in July/August

A Youthful Eye on the Environment
Workshop with biologist July 19
Exhibition "Let's See!" August 3 & 4

Floral Design
Joy Macdonald, Held in August/September
Agnes McKenna Power, Held in September

Watercolour - Spit Box Technique
Christine Pelzer, Held in September


March 17 - April 29, 2018
Vernissage: Saturday, March 17, 2018

In June 2018, Studio Georgeville will celebrate it's 10th anniversary.

May 5 - June 17, 2018
Vernissage:Saturday , May 5, 2018

June 23 - July 15, 2018
CRUX - A live installation
Vernissage:Saturday, June 23, 2018

July 17 - August 5, 2018
Vernissage:Saturday, July 21, 2018

August 7 - September 9, 2018
Vernissage:Saturday, August 11, 2018

September 13 - November 11, 2018
Vernissage: Saturday, September 15, 2018

November 17, 2018 - January 27, 2019
Vernissage: Saturday, November 17, 2018


March 3 to April 7, 2017
Life Drawing

March 4 - April 9, 2017
The Human Body
Drawings, paintings, sculptures
Vernissage: Saturday, March 4, 2017

April 15 - June 11, 2017
Summers on Lake Memphremagog
Photography, artifacts, paintings
Vernissage: Saturday, April 15, 2017

Saturday, June 3, 2017
Paul Carignan: The Abenakis and Lake Memphremagog

June 17 - July 16, 2017
Songs of Silver
Contemporary silversmithing & jewelry
& Joan Murray's silver works
Vernissage: Saturday, June 17, 2017

Sunday, June 25, 2017
Book Launch: Louise Abbott, Memphremagog II

Sunday, July 2, 2017
Jacques Valiquette : About Joan Murray

July 18 - 30, 2017
Festival des arts
Peggy Curran, Susan Semenak, Catherine Wallace & Anthony Hobbs
Vernissage: Friday July 21, 2017, 5 to 7 p.m.

Saturday, July 22, 2017
Anthony Hobbs: IPad drawing

Saturday, August 5, 2017
Stephen Kawai Mobile sculpture workshop for children & adults

August 1 to 27, 2017
Contemporary Drawing
Vernissage: Saturday, August 5, 2017

Saturday, August 19, 2017
Raku workshop with Sara Mills

October 14 & 22, 2017
Agnes McKenna Power: Papier mâché

August 29 - September 24, 2017
Not so Still Life
Drawings, paintings, papier mâché, photos
Vernissage: Saturday, September 2, 2017

September 30 - November 12, 2017
Tous ensemble II
Studio members works
Vernissage: Saturday, october 7, 2017

November 18 - January 28, 2018
Vernissage: Saturday, November 18, 2017


March 5th - 31st From the Vault

April 2nd - May 1st - Face to Face
Vernissage Saturday April 2nd

May 7th - June 12th - Bigelow and Beyond: Country Gardens Then and Now
Vernissage and presentation on Saturday, May 7th

June 18th - July 17th - Aboriginal Women's Art: A Celebration
Vernissage Saturday June 18th

June 25th - 26th - Aboriginal Film Festival
July 1st - 3rd - Aboriginal Arts and Crafts Demonstrations

July 19th - July 31st - Georgeville and Fitch Bay Festival des arts
Vernissage Friday, July 22nd 5-7

August 2nd - September 12th - Dialogues with Trees, earth and sky
Vernissage Saturday, August 6th

September 13th - October 2nd - Studio Georgeville Members' Show
« All Together »
Vernissage Saturday, September 17th
Photographs by Louise Abbott and  Niels Jensen, furniture by Niels Jensen, paintings by Pamela Cartwright, Virginia Cope, Dominique Gagnon, and Agnes McKenna Power, papiers mâchés by Agnes McKenna Power, drawings by Luc Olscamp, sculptures by Mary Cartmel and jewellery by Carla Straessle.

October 4 - November 13 - Three guest artists: A selection of playful and lyrical works.
Vernissage Saturday, October 8, 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Françoise Cloutier (photographs), José Duclos (mixed media), and Stephen Kawai (mobile sculptures).

October 15, 4 p.m. - Dedicated to Sarah and John Hoblyn
Harpsichord concert by Vincent Galland
, St. George's Church, Georgeville
Admission: $10

October 25, 2016 - Movie Night! A Small Good Thing
A documentary film sponsored by Anick Valiquette & Marcel Courtemanche

November 19th - January 2017 - Christmas Show
Vernissage Saturday, November 19th


- 2015

The Saturday morning café will resume at the Farmers' Market in Copp's Square on
September 19, 2015, from 10 a.m. to noon.

Nancy Amos and Judy Bachelder will be your hostesses.
The proceeds will be donated to Alan Gustafson.

Saturday, October 3, 2015, 2 p.m.
Book launch for Richard R. Pyves, the author of Night Madness

Saturday, October 10, 2015, from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Cree ceremony to invoke the four points of the compass
Vernissage for the exhibition Freedom, Grace, and Light
Allyna Harris, Fran Olsen, and Graziella Malagoni
Book launch for Fran Olsen, the author of Soul Journeys Series: A Fairy's Tale

Friday, October 16, 2015, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Calligraphy workshop with Françoise Cloutier

Saturday, October 24, 2015, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Raku workshop with Sara Mills: Create a unique Christmas gift!

Saturday, November 7, 2015, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Vernissage: Christmas Exhibition
A wide variety of craft items and artworks will be available during this festive show.
You can also obtain a gift certificate from Studio Georgeville to offer as a Christmas present.
Forget about the crowds and stress of Christmas shopping, going from store to store to find just the right gifts. Studio Georgeville will be offering a wide choice of small-format paintings and photographs, ceramics, jewelry, decorative objects and vintage items. And if you're unsure what to choose, you can always buy a gift certificate. An antique, hand-embroidered quilt, donated by Nancy and Paul Amos, will be sold through a silent auction that starts during the vernissage and will end on Sunday, December 13th, 2015.

Works by Louise Abbott, Duff Armour, Mahmoud Baghaeian, Kent Benson, Sophie Boivin, Pamela Cartwright, Wagna Celidon, Robert Chauvette, Marianne Chevalier, Virginia Cope, Claude Couture antiquités, Susane Daviau, Willa Drummond, François Fournier, Melissa Gardner, Méli, Claire Gélinas, Caryn L. Hetherstone, Anthony Hobbs, Danielle Hudon, Niels Jensen, Linda Keymer, Lisanne Lachance, Suzanne Lachapelle, Caroline Lefebvre, Marlington Designs, John Marshall, Agnes Mckenna Power, Sara Mills, Julie Mineau, Christophe Moreau, Munmuntadas, John Murphy, Martin Myers, Joanna Nash, Kara Needham, Natanya Nerenberg, Louise Perrault, Alexe Raymond, Carla Straessle, Jean-Simon Trottier, Vanessa Yanow.


22 August 2015
expoexpo Sigrid Fisher & Louis St-Cyr
Paintings & Sculptures

VERNISSAGE: Saturday, August 22, 2015, 3 to 5 p.m.
Starting Tuesday, August 18th, Studio Georgeville presents an exhibition of Sigrid Fisher paintings and Louis St-Cyr sculptures. Both artists are interested in the natural world.  Sigrid Fisher explains: "I watch the rhythmic intervals between nature's facets and seek to find my place within them. The images often suggest landscape or organic mass structureÐbut do not suggest specific locations." Louis St-Cyr has created numerous sculptures depicting animals. Among them is a series of twenty-three bird species at risk in Quebec.
The exhibition runs until Sunday, October 4th.


23 July 2015
img Homebrew Dixieland Band
Studio Georgeville presents  HOMEBREW DIXIELAND BAND 
An evening of foot-tapping, hand-clapping music from New Orleans by the band who keeps traditional jazz alive in the Eastern Townships
Friday, July 31, 2015, 7 p.m.
Murray Memorial Hall
4680 chemin de Georgeville, Georgeville, QC
Fundraiser for both the Georgeville Community Association & Studio Georgeville
$20 at the door, $5 for 16 and under, free for 5 years and under 


20 July 2015
img Expressions
Studio Georgeville presents Expressions, an exhibition of recent works by Anthony Hobbs, Marjorie Griffin, and Joanna Nash. The vernissage will take place on Saturday, August 1st, from 3 to 5 p.m., and the exhibition will continue until Sunday, August 16th. The three artists will each present their vision of the relationship between art and nature. Anthony Hobbs will show a new body of work entitled Patterns of the Land. In writing about her art, Marjorie Griffin quotes Jonathan Swift: "Vision is an act of seeing what is invisible to others."  For Joanna Nash "both art and nature occupy her life as a painter, and she interweaves these sometimes incongruent paths." There will be a « Meet and Greet » with the artists on Sunday, August 2nd, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


11 July 2015
img An Art Festival
Studio Georgeville presents An Art Festival
July 14th -  July 26th
Vernissage: Friday, July 17th, 5p.m.-7p.m.
Participating artists: Stephen H. Kawai,  Lisanne Lachance, Robert and Lisa McNeil, Peter Raymond, Festival des Arts Georgeville Fitch Bay Collective, & Studio Georgeville members
Festival hours: 10 a.m.- 5 p.m.


02 July 2015
img Mobile making workshop
Studio Georgeville presents
Two mobile making workshops - one for adults and one for kids
With  mobile / installation artist Stephen H. Kawai

Kids workshop, Saturday,  July 11 2015 10 a.m.-12 p.m.  $40
Adult workshop, Saturday,  July 11 2015 1 p.m.-4 p.m.  $70
Mobile/installation artist Stephen H. Kawai will present a mobile-making workshop that covers the basic theory behind their construction as well as explanations/demonstrations of the techniques used. The different types of wire and pliers will be described, and the way loops are made will be demonstrated. Participants will then create a piece that incorporates semi-precious stone beads. All materials and tools will be supplied.
A children's workshop will also be offered. Participants (10 years old +) for this session are asked to bring two clean branches (12-18" long) as well as five natural objects of comparable weight to hang in their piece.


25 June 2015
img Dogs and Underdogs
Studio Georgeville presents  Dogs & Underdogs
A book by Elizabeth Abbott
1:30 p.m. / A book launch for Dogs and Underdogs by Toronto author  Elizabeth Abbott. Free  admission. Profits from book sales will be donated to the Frontier Animal Society in Ogden.
2:00 p.m. / Elizabeth Abbott will give a presentation and read an exerpt from her book.
3: 00 p.m.  /  Lucie Blanchette, a gifted trainer from Au Bonheur des chiens, will give a dog-training demonstration. $5. Profits will be donated to the Frontier Animal Society in Ogden.


29 May 2015
img By Design
Studio Georgeville presents By Design, an exhibition of furniture, objects and paintings, from Saturday June 20th, to Sunday, July 12th, 2015. The vernissage will take place on Saturday, June 20th, from 3 to 5 p.m. This exhibition will feature vintage Modern design furniture and objects from the collection of Jacques Valiquette as well as contemporary Modern design furniture and objects by woodworker Niels Jensen. There will also be paintings by Annie Abdalla, François Dubeau, and Luc Olscamp. 


21 April 2015
Storytelling with the Townships Tellers
Studio Georgeville presents An Afternoon of Storytelling with The Townships Tellers!
Heather Davis, Jason Krpan, Shirley Nortcliffe, Anne Rothfels, and Michel Thibault will join us at Studio Georgeville and share some of their favorite stories with us. Everyone is welcome!
Saturday, May 2, 2015, at 2 p.m.
Refreshments will be served.
Admission: $5


19 April 2015
img Exhibition Variations on Landscape
Saturday, May 9 to Sunday, June 14, 2015
Guest artists: Annie Abdalla, François Lafrance, Françoise LaMothe, & Melanie Matthews. Artist members of the cooperative: Pamela Cartwright, Virginia Cope, Dominique Gagnon, Elin Gustafson, Agnes McKenna Power

Activities around the exhibition
Sunday, May 17, 2015, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Art and Cartography workshop with Annie Abdalla
Saturday, May 23, 2015: 10:30 a.m. to noon.Talking art over coffee, with Annie Abdalla & Dominique Gagnon
Sunday, June 14, 2015, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. : Workshop with Melanie Matthews  


19 April 2015
img Songwriting workshop
Studio Georgeville presents Songwriting workshop with Mike Goudreau 
Sunday, April 26, from 1 to 4 pm.
Admission: $10
Please reserve your place as soon as possible!
Stanstead artist/singer/songwriter Mike Goudreau will present a songwriting workshop at Studio Georgeville. Mike will talk about his take on songwriting, publishing, and song licensing for film/TV, web, advertizing, and multi-media. Also on the agenda, he will perform various songs from his repertoire live in an acoustic setting to showcase the many styles and genres that he produces. There will be a question period and perhaps even a little jam sesssion at the end if folks are so inclined!


29 March 2015
img Exhibition Sarah Cox
Sarah has been living in Chelsea, Quebec, since 1999 but grew up in Georgeville, and has had her roots in the community since 1967. Sarah's father lives in Georgeville, so she continues to call it home.
Sarah has always enjoyed photography but has found a new sense of richness through her lens since her episode with breast cancer over the last year and a half.
The photographs in this exhibition come predominantly from Canton de Stanstead in the Eastern Townships of Quebec. Sarah has always had an appreciation of barns and farm life - an appreciation that she shared with her mother - and loves the beauty found in older barns and farm structures. They tell a story, part of which is the challenge and often hardship of running and May ntaining a working farm - something so critical to Canadian life.  
Sarah can be reached at or through Studio Georgeville. Her photographs are available in various sizes, so please let her or Studio Georgeville know if you are interested in acquiring any.


29 March 2015
imgimg The barn
Studio Georgeville presents: The barn photos by Sarah Cox
Former dairy barn, Ogden, Quebec Photo by Sarah Cox
Also works by Zoe Compton, Gael Eakin, Margot Graham-Heyerhoff, Jason Hartley, Simon Johns, François Lafrance, Denis Palmer, & des membres de / members of la coopérative des artistes de Georgeville: Louise Abbott, Duff Armour, Pamela Cartwright, Virginia Cope, & Niels Jensen.
Saturday, April 4, 2015, to Sunday, May 3, 2015
Vernissage: Saturday, April 4, 2015, 3 to 5 p.m.
Business hours: Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.


19 February 2015
img Exhibition Stroke by Stroke
Studio Georgeville presents  Stroke by Stroke
An Exhibition about Paddling on Lake Memphremagog and elsewhere in Quebec 
Sunday, March 1, 2015, to Sunday, March 29, 2015
Vernissage: Sunday, March 1, 2015, 3 to 5 p.m.
4 p.m. Presentation by Jason Krpan
Jason Krpan, a former fishing guide on Lake Memphremagog, will share stories about the lake.
Participants : Louise Abbott, Duff Armour, Pamela Cartwright, Virginia Cope, Claude Couture Antiquaire, Dominique Gagnon, Niels Jensen, Jason Krpan, Tricia McDaid, Agnes McKenna-Power, Sara Mills, Carla Straessle, & Jean-Simon Trottier.
Presentation by Russ Binning
The Joy of Canoeing
Saturday, March 28, 2015 from 2 to 4 p.m.
Admission fee: $5
Refreshments will be served.
Business hours in March: Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.


02 February 2015
img A Writers' Workshop
Studio Georgeville presents A WRITERS' WORKSHOP with Heather Paterson
Have you always wanted to write? Are you working on something but need a little encouragement and support? Enjoy playful and provocative writing exercises in a pressure-free milieu.
Facilitator Heather Paterson has been a writer of plays and fiction for over thirty years, and she has run many popular playwriting and fiction-writing workshops. 
Workshop sessions will be held at Studio Georgeville. 
Thursday or Friday:   9:30 - noon ( Please tell us what works best for you.) 
10 weeks: February 12 or 13, 2015 
Cost: $120 for 10 weeks, or $15 per session 



10 December 2014
img Tashi and the Monk
Studio Georgeville  presents Tashi and the Monk (2014)
Running Time: 40 minutes
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Time: 7 p.m.
Place: Studio Georgeville
Refreshments will be served.
Suggested donation: $10
All proceeds will go to Jhamtse International, which supports the community of Jhamtse Gatsal-Tibetan for "The Garden of Love and Compassion".
On a remote mountaintop a brave social experiment is taking place. Buddhist Monk Lobsang was trained under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, but 8 years ago he left behind a life as a spiritual teacher in the United States to create a unique community in the foothills of the Himalayas that rescues orphaned and neglected children.
This inspiring documentary has won various awards, including the "Mountain Culture" award at the recent Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival.


4 November 2014
img Christmas Show
Studio Georgeville présente Christmas Show and Sale
Saturday, November 15, 2014, to Sunday, February 1, 2015.
Vernissage: Saturday, November 22, 2014, 3 to 5 p.m. 
Teddy bear    Anne Bruce Falconer 
The gallery will offer a wide assortment of gift items for all ages, from teddy bears and wooden toys to books and candles. More than two dozen painters, photographers, filmmakers, ceramic artists, glass artists, floral artists, jewellers, woodworkers, and sculptors will be participating. They include Studio Georgeville co-op members as well as guest artists François Boisvert, Sara Peck Colby, Anne Bruce Falconer, Anthony Hobbs, Lisanne Lachance, Renée Larochelle, Denise Latreille, Naisi LeBaron, Tanya McIntyre, Trevor McKinven, Sara Mills, John Murphy, Martin Myers, Natanya Nerenberg, Charles Peacock, Linda Peacock, Sue Petraki,  Linda Rutenberg, and Michel Viala.
Business hours: Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.


29 October 2014
img Bird Song and Behaviour
A Presentation by André Cyr, PhD, co-author of l'Atlas saisonnier des oiseaux du Québec
André Cyr will give tips on identifying bird songs and thus birds themselves. He will also speak about why and how birds communicate in different situations. Murray Memorial Hall, 4680 chemin Georgeville, Georgeville
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Workshop (free admission) : 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Presentation: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Admission for the presentation: $10
Refreshments will be served.


02 October 2014
img Paul Almond at Studio Georgeville
Award-winning producer and director-turned-novelist Paul Almond will present his new novel, The Hero, the seventh book in his acclaimed Alford Saga. Part of the narrative takes place in the Eastern Townships. On this hundredth anniversary of World War I, Almond will discuss wartime events from a Canadian gunner's perspective and also shell shock, the dreaded post-traumatic stress disorder that afflicts so many returning servicemen.
The presentation will be in English, and the novel ($19.95) will be available for purchase at the gallery. Paul Almond is generously donating fifty per cent of the proceeds to Studio Georgeville! This event is made possible by the financial assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts through the Quebec Writers' Federation.


02 October 2014
img Dreaming in Glass
Studio Georgeville  Presents Dreaming in Glass
An exhibition by  Catherine Benoit, Maryse Chartrand, David Frigon-Lavoie, Jean-Marie Giguère, David James, Lisanne Lachance, Gilles Payette, Jean-Simon Trottier, Vanessa Yanow
Studio Georgeville is pleased to present an exciting exhibition of glass sculptures by contemporary Quebec artists. Valerie Paquin, of Espace VERRE, and Elsie Sullivan, a Friend of Studio Georgeville, have co-curated the show.
Glass has been used for centuries for functional objects and for decorative pieces. But it has only been in the last fifty years that glass work has evolved into an art form that transcends the merely decorative. The artists who are represented in the Studio Georgeville exhibition have used glass as an artistic medium in striking new ways, initiating viewers into the fascinating world of contemporary studio glass.
Vernissage: Saturday, October 11, from 3-5pm
Exhibition: October 7 to November 9 2014


22 September 2014
img By Woman's Hand
Studio Georgeville presents By Woman's Hand
A documentary about the Beaver Hall Group of women painters, including Nora Collyer, Prudence Heward, Lilias Torrance Newton, and Anne Savage. A co-production of Films Piché Ferrari with the National Film Board of Canada.
in the presence of the director, Pepita Ferrarii
Running Time : 58 minutes
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Popcorn, tea, and coffee will be served.
Suggested donation: $5


16 September 2014
imgimg Looking back at the raku workshop
The raku workshop with Sara Mills and Michel Viala was a great success, rainy weather notwithstanding! Here are some photos taken by LeeAnne Smith.


12 September 2014
img Olympian Art
In ancient Olympic Games, which date back to 776 BC, artistic expression played a key role. Sculptors and other artists and craftsmen were encouraged to display their works. When Baron Pierre de Coubertin revived the Olympic Games in 1896, sport, arts, and culture were all included in his vision. In 1912 he organized five "Olympic art competitions" for the first time at the Olympic Games in Stockholm. While arts and culture components may have faded over time, the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi inspired Studio Georgeville to revive the traditional link, creating an exhibition to celebrate the art of several Canadian Olympians. 
Exhibition: September 16th to October 5th, 2014
Business hours : Tuesday to Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m  


12 September 2014
A look back at a workshop
A workshop with Melanie Matthews-Essential Acrylic‹took place on Sunday, September 7. Here are some photos of Melanie and the participants hard at work!

img img img img


26 August 2014
img Workshop
A workshop to end the summer on the right foot
Raku workshop With Sara Mills
Saturday September 13th, 2014
10 a.m. and 1 p.m. session
Participants can buy an unglazed ceramic bowl (or more), glaze it and fire it right there $20 for each bowl.   
Please reserve your place as soon as possible!  


11 August 2014
img Linda Rutenberg
Studio Georgeville presents The Gaspé Peninsula: Land on the Edge of Time
Sunday, August 24, 3-5 p.m.
A presentation by photographer Linda Rutenberg about her new book of winter photos of the Gaspé Peninsula.
The book will be available for purchase. It sells for $40.
Studio Georgeville is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. until Labour Day. 


22 July 2014
img The Auction!
The benefit auction for Studio Georgeville was a huge success. Our sincere thanks to the many donors, the incredibly hard-working volunteers, the auctioneers, and everyone who participated in the auction! Linda Hoy has kindly provided us with a look back at the event.


14 July 2014
img Festival des Arts
Studio Georgeville presents Festival des Arts Georgeville-Fitch Bay 14 au 27 July
photo: Niels Jensen


13 July 2014
img Chants du coeur: Récital de chant
Chants du coeur: Récital de chant et piano
Charlotte Gagnon, mezzo-soprano
Romain Pollet, piano
Saturday, July 26th 2014, 7:00pm
On behalf of Festival Des Arts Georgeville/Fitch Bay, Studio Georgeville invites you to an evening of art songs by Montsalvatge, Finzi, Schubert, Schumann, Poulenc and a few surprises.
Suggested donation: 15$


09 July 2014
img Memphrémagog: An Illustrated History
Georgeville Press is delighted to announce the publication of Memphrémagog: An Illustrated History / Une histoire illustrée (Volume 1) by Townships author Louise Abbott. This beautiful, bilingual coffee table book is 308 pages and is richly illustrated with 175 reproductions of historical photos, paintings, and maps as well as ninety contemporary photos by Louise Abbott and Niels Jensen. The retail price is $49.95, and the Memphremagog Conservation Incorporated (MCI) will receive a portion of the proceeds from sales. The book is available at Studio Georgeville. For mail orders, please contact  To learn more about the book, please see  Pour voir un YouTube au sujet du livre:


05 July 2014
The kite-making workshop with Robert Trépanier was delightful, and the day was windy enough to fly the completed kites.



04 July 2014
Summer 2014
Don't miss out on great events this summer! click here


20 June 2014
img Kite-making workshop
Kite-making workshops
Saturday July 5th, 2014
Robert Trépanier is acclaimed internationally for the kites that he makes. His "art in flight" is by turns strange, dramatic, and humorous. Sudio Georgeville is delighted to announce that this gifted artist will offer two kite-making workshops on Saturday, July 5th, 2014: a workshop for children in the morning and a workshop for teens and adults in the afternoon. The kite-making materials will be supplied.
Workshop for children from 10:30 a.m. to noon: $15  per child and $30 for accompanying parents
Workshop for teens and adults from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. : $30 per person
Space is limited, so please reserve your place as soon as possible!


28 March 2014
img Book launch Buster and the Magic Star by Robert Chadwick
Saturday April 5th, 1 to 3 pm
Mr. Chadwick will also make a slide presentation‹"Cats, Dogs, and the Origins of Civilization." There will be a $5 charge at the door. All proceeds will go to the Frontier Animal Society.


17 March 2014
img Fundraiser exhibition for the Frontier Animal Society
From April 5 to 13, 2014, Studio Georgeville will present a group exhibition on the theme of animals to support a very active non-profit organization in our community-the Frontier Animal Society (FAS), created in 1987 by Joyce Dekker. Louise Abbott, Robert Chauvette, Philippe Desormeaux, Dominique Gagnon, Caroline George, Lizabeth Laroche and Brigitte Mittelhammer (Gypsy Arts), Niels Jensen, Gary MacDonald, Tricia McDaid, Agnes McKenna Power, Sara Mills, and Linda and Charles Peacock will show works in various media in celebration of animals.
Calendar of events around the exhibition :
Sunday, April 6: Yoga class at Studio Georgeville with Elsa Mongeau, from 9h30 a.m. to 10h30 a.m. Admission : $10. All proceeds will go to the FAS.
Saturday, April 12: Lucie Blanchette, a gifted trainer from Au Bonheur des chiens, will give a dog-training demonstration with FAS dogs at 2 p.m. at Studio Georgeville.


05 February 2014
Members' Show
March 1 to March 30


04 january 2014
imgimg Nunaaluk at Knowlton Ciné-Club
Nunaaluk: A Forgotten Story, a half-hour documentary about the historical Inuit occupation of Cape Hope Island (Nunaaluk) in southeastern James Bay, will be screened in Knowlton on Tuesday, April 1, 2014, at the Knowlton Ciné-Club, 305-B, Knowlton Road (CIDI Radio Station).  Tickets 8$. Information: 450-242-9873.
The film was directed by Studio Georgeville member Louise Abbott, with principal videography by Abbott and additional videography by Vito DeFilippo and Studio Georgeville member Niels Jensen. The film's interviewees include Inuit author Mini Aodla Freeman, Inuit hunter and fisherman George Kudlu, Cree retiree Elizabeth Mark Maiczan, and the late world-renowned Arctic photographer Fred Bruemmer.
Louise Abbott's work as a stills photographer is also being featured in a beautiful new book titled Legacy: Twenty Years of Global Black-and-White Photography. In tandem with the book, an exhibition is being held at the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies in Banff. The vernissage was held on Saturday, February 1, 2014 at 7 p.m. The show will run until March 30, 2014.
(Photo: Niels Jensen / Louise Abbott at work with her new Sony NEX-FS 700 in James Bay, July 2013 Photo: Niels Jensen)



19 November 2013
img Early Music
Studio Georgeville and George's Church present
A Christmas Concert of Early Music
with Maude Fréchette-Gagné, soprano
Jean-Yves St-Pierre, instrumentalist
Saturday, December 21, 2013 / 4:00 p.m.
St. George's Church
Suggested donation: $15
Maude Fréchette-Gagné and Jean-Yves St-Pierre will offer you a very special Christmas gift : a Medieval-Renaissance-Baroque concert with many beautiful musical instruments, including the recorder, bagpipes, hurdy-gurdy, harp, harpsichord, shawm, gemshorns , organetto, fiddle, and bladder-pipe.


10 November 2013
img Christmas show
Studio Georgeville présente A Christmas Show
Saturday, November 16, 2013­Sunday, January 26, 2014
Business hours: Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.


28 October 2013
img People of a Feather
Georgeville Nature Ski and Studio Georgeville presents
A documentary film People of a Feather
Saturday, November 30, 2013 / 4 p.m.
Murray Memorial Hall, 4680 chemin Georgeville, Georgeville, QC
Admission: $10
Refreshments will be served.  


3 October 2013
img The Lenore Trilogy
Studio Georgeville présente The Lenore Trilogy:
A reading and performance by acclaimed Montreal novelist and playwright Colleen Curran
Saturday, October 26, 2013, 2 - 4 p.m.
Free Admission
Refreshments will be served.
Over the past few years, Colleen Curran has recounted the comedic misadventures of singing waitress Lenore Rutland in three books: Something Drastic, Overnight Sensation, and Guests of Chance. She has also transformed Something Drastic into a play that has been seen in Toronto, Winnipeg, Melbourne, and Athens. Copies of Curran's three novels will be available for purchase ($25 for the complete trilogy).
img What the critics have said about The Lenore Trilogy: "Sensational? You bet." Globe and May l "A genius for satire." Halifax Chronicle Herald "A lively, intelligent read. Wisdom leavened with wit and whimsy." Ottawa Citizen "Canada's Maeve Binchy and Barbara Pym." Quill & Quire


26 September 2013
img Folk Art
Studio Georgeville, in collaboration with Elsie Sullivan,  presents Folk Art
Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - Sunday, November 10, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013, 3 - 5 p.m.
Judy Bachelder, Ellen Bailey, Richard Bourassa, Robert Chauvette, Hazel Farnham, Louis Gagnon, Naisi LeBaron, Martin Myers, Anaïs Ronceray, Sean Vancour, et al.


22 September 2013
img Limited Edition
Studio Georgeville in collaboration with  Yoannick Ysebaert  presents Limited Edition  
An exhibition of graphic arts of the 20th century: Works of leading Canadian and international artists
Karel Appel, Fernandez Arman, Tib Beament, Rita Briansky, Kittie Bruneau, René Carcan, James Coignard, Guillaume Corneille, Salvador Dali, Richard Lacroix, Guido Molinari, Luc Peire, Alfred Pellan, Jean-Paul Riopelle, Armand Vaillancourt, Victor Vasarely, et al.
Listen to an interview with Yoannick Ysebaert
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 - Sunday, October 6, 2013                  


15 September 2013
img 2014 Calendar
Would you like a wall calendar with scenes of the Eastern Townships, like this blue heron in the Georgeville marsh?
The price: $10


21 August 2013
img Art in the Landscape
audio-visual presentation by Patterson Webster 
Saturday, September 7, 2013
2 p.m.
Admission: $10
From elaborate marble statues to humble garden implements, art in our gardens expresses our personal taste and reveals how we relate to the world around us. Using photographs from gardens across North America and Europe, Patterson Webster examines how we can incorporate art into our landscape ­ and what happens when we do. She explores the many types of outdoor art ­ permanent and ephemeral, serious and comic ­ and examines how the choices we make about what to display and how to display it affect our emotional response to the land.
Patterson Webster
Patterson (Pat) Webster is an artist whose photographs and sculptural installations explore the landscape and history of Quebec's Eastern Townships. She is a garden consultant and a popular speaker, lecturing across Canada on art, garden history, and design. She lives in Montreal and in North Hatley, Quebec, where she is responsible for her family's 750-acre lakeside property and its zone 4 garden. For more about Pat and her work, please see 


02 August 2013
imgimg Sublime
Studio Georgeville presents Sublime  
An exhibition by Marcel Beaucage, Pierre Chenier, Anthony Hobbs, Stephen Kawai, Ingrid Nicolai, Linda Peacock, Peter Raymond, et al.   
Vernissage, Saturday, August 17, 2013   / 3 - 5 p.m.
The exhibition will continue until Sunday, September 8, 2013.
Photo : Invisible de Stephen Kawai - Théières: Marcel Beaucage


01 August 2013
img Zainab Hussein's Amazing Journey
Studio Georgeville presents   Be Positive: Zainab Hussein's Amazing Journey from the Slums of Kibera (Kenya) to Stanstead College Thursday, August 8, 2013, at 3 pm. 
Suggested donation: $5 
Proceeds will go to a scholarship for a child in Kibera.
Zainab Abdallah Hussein, a young woman from Kenya, has spent the last seven months as a junior faculty member at Stanstead College, thanks to a scholarship from the Children of Kibera Foundation. In her presentation at Studio Georgeville, she will describe the amazing journey that she has made from her home in the slums of Kibera, where the order of the day is a high rate of school dropouts, teenage pregnancies, disease, drug abuse, and other problems bred of poverty. Adhering to her personal motto, "Be Positive," Zainab has become a beacon of hope for her entire community.  


04 July 2013
imgimg img Exhibition Over the Moon
Over the Moon
Anthony Hobbs, Sara Mills, Peter Raymond, Duane and Richard Soucy, Luke Sullivan, Michel Viala et al.   
The exhibition begins on July 23, 2013. 
Vernissage: Saturday, July 27, 2013  
The exhibition will continue until Sunday, August 11, 2013. 
Photo : Painting by Anthony Hobbs  - Vase by Michel Viala - Triptych by Sara Mills


imgimg 29 June 2013
They're back!

Almut Ellinghaus & Stanley Lake are back at Studio Georgeville by popular demand!


29 June 2013
img img img  Exhibition Rhyme or Reason 

 Rhyme or Reason 
Almut Ellinghaus, Stanley Lake, Elizabeth Lambert, Naisi LeBaron, Kurt Marhue, Tricia McDaid, Martin Myers, et al. 
The exhibition begins on July 2, 2013. 
The exhibition will continue until July 21, 2013.
Painting by Naisi LeBaron - Martin Myers - Kurt Marhue 


19 June 2013
img Jeweller Christoff Moreau at Studio Georgeville
Montreal jeweller Christoff Moreau will be at Studio Georgeville this long weekend  to present his new collection, which was inspired by a recent trip to Maine. Using a selection of precious stones, pearls, oxidized silver, and geometric forms, Christoff has created jewellery not to be missed. Studio Georgeville will be open Saturday, June 22, and Sunday, June 23, from p.m., and on Monday, June 24, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.   
To see some of Christoff's new work, please visit


9 June 2013
imgimgimg Exhibition Telling Tales
Studio Georgeville presents Telling Tales
An exhibition by Mary Pfaff, Jennifer Ryder-Jones, & Chandler Swain
8 June - 30 June 2013


04 June 2013
img img img Book Reading & Signing ...
Saturday, June 29, 3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Townships authors Paul Howell, Tricia McDaid, and Ross Murray will read excerpts from their new books and do a book signing.


09 May 2013
An Evening of Poetry and Artful Sound
 Studio Georgeville presents Miskasowin : Returning to Centre / Belonging An Evening of Poetry and Artful Sound
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Doors open at 7 p.m. / Show starts at 7:30 p.m.
Admission: $10
Refreshments will be served.
Featuring itinerant spoken word poets Moe Clark ( and Kathy Fisher, who have shared stages in Edmonton, Banff, and Fort McLeod, and who are delighted to be performing together for the first time in Quebec in the Memphremagog region, where Kathy was raised.  See the two artists in previous performances:
Becoming a Hero (Moe Clark) Carried Away by Angels (Kathy Fisher)
 "Nominated as Montreal's top spoken word artist (Montreal Mirror 2010), Métis artist Moe Clark fuses her unique understanding of performance narrative with traditions of circle singing and spoken word. Mistress of the looping pedal, Moe creates poetic songs that resonate with the power to heal and connect with authentic purpose."
"Kathy Fisher's poems are beautiful narratives, a lyrical weave of words that move you through the stories she wants to tell about life, death, and everything in between." Edmonton Examiner


09 May 2013
img Variations on a Theme
Studio Georgeville presents  Variations on a Theme
An exhibition by Louise Abbott, Pamela Cartwright, Virgina Cope, Elin Gustafson, Amanda Haywood, David Haywood, Niels Jensen, Agnes McKenna Power, Dale Mill, & Jennifer Mills-Batty
May 11 - June 2, 2013
Vernissage: Saturday, May 11 / 1-3 pm
Photo : Pam Cartwright


20 March 2013
imgimgimg Current exhibition
Studio Georgeville presents An exhibition by Gabrielle Castonguay, Farzin Farzaneh, Caroline George
April 6 - May 5, 2013
Vernissage: Saturday, April 6 / 1-3 pm
Caroline George ~ Artist's Statement 
I created this exhibition to pay homage to some great women who, through their courage and talent, not only contributed wonderful creations to the world of art, but also paved the way for all the creative women who followed. I wanted to explore the history of some strong and independent individuals who were successful in their field, and to capture a sense of their spirits through portraits. Portraits are a traditional method of representing an individual. These 12 paintings are of courageous and creative women who succeeded in a field traditionally dominated by men. It was tremendously rewarding to research the lives of these pivotal artists and to portray them in a traditional confine with a contemporary view. I use the semi-transparent veil as a convention to create a distance of age and time between image and the viewer. When I'm working, I focus on the composition, form and colour, more than the subject itself. But it's this very focus on technique and materials which frees up the artistic process. It is the discipline of controlling the technical craft that enables me to inject the interpretation and emotion into the creative process.


18 February 2013
img Les Talibés : A Story of Hope
A photo exhibition by Ann Pille  & Karen Hornby
March 2-31, 2013
Vernissage: Saturday March 2 / 2-4 pm
There will be a bilingual audio-visual presentation by Ann Pille on
Saturday, March 16, at 2:30pm.
Les Talibés : A Story of Hope
I have always felt a strong connection to children. I know how hard growing up can be, and that's coming from someone who has grown up in a middle-class household with two loving parents. My desire to travel to Africa and help children there stems from this. No child should have to grow up feeling alone. When my aunt suggested I join her on a trip to volunteer in Africa, I jumped at the chance. I feel strongly about human rights and child poverty. These became the topics of my personal project for my final year of high school. The goal was to explore how a 16-year-old from Canada could help improve the situation of the talibé street children of St-Louis, Senegal. The result? Come to the exhibit, and let me share it with you.  Ann Pille
The word talibé is derived from an Arabic word meaning follower or disciple. It refers to boys who are taught the Koran by a marabout (a Muslim holy man). The marabout's job is to teach the Koran and help guide young men. However, these ideals have changed as marabouts have moved their "schools" from the country to the city, and with them, the boys. Many have taken advantage of the situation and force the boys to beg most of the day to fill their own pockets. They say that begging will help the boys learn humility. There are roughly 50,000 of these boys in Senegal. They range in age from 3 to 20 years old. They live in daaras owned by the marbouts. Daaras are supposed to be clean but humble. In reality, they are small rooms with dirt floors, very little shelter, no running water, and limited toilet facilities. Because of overcrowding and poor sanitation, diseases spread very quickly in these places.
Donations will be accepted for a charity that supports these boys - May son de la Gare - and tax receipts will be provided.



11 December 2012
img Book Launch
Studio Georgeville presents a Book Launch
Featuring Agent T Early Morning, a graphic novel by Tricia McDaid
Tricia McDaid will be signing Agent T Early Morning at Studio Georgeville on Sunday, December 16, 2012.
Agent T Early Morning is a visually beautiful book that explores parenting in chaotic and uncertain times.
Tricia McDaid, a painter and cartoonist, has worked in the arts in the Townships for over twelve years.
She will also be selling her one-of-a-kind papier-mâché finger puppets, zines, and cards at the book launch.
Sunday, December 16, 2012 / 1-3 p.m.
Refreshments will be served.


05 December 2012
img Christoff Moreau at Studio Georgeville
Studio Georgeville is pleased to carry the jewellery of Christoff Moreau of Montreal.
Christoff Moreau was living in London, England, when he first made a silver ring. The experience was a revelation that spurred him to enrol in further courses in London and then Montreal.
Christoff particularly likes to work with precious stones, with their range of colors as vast as the rainbow. On his workbench he keeps a box of gems that he refers to constantly for inspiration. He fashions each new piece of jewelry according to his impulse of the moment.
For more about Christoff's work, please see:


07 November 2012
img Sara Peck Colby at Studio Georgeville
Sara Peck Colby ( is among the artists featured in our Christmas show.


07 November 2012
img Christmas Show
Works by  Louise Abbott, Kent Benson, Bruce Bradshaw, Pamela Cartwright, Cocomirior, Sara Peck Colby, Virginia Cope, Dot and Lil, AnneBruce Falconer, Anthony Hobbs, Niels Jensen, Kazuyo Kamada, Kurt Marhue, Sara Mills, Moon and Sparrow, Michael Mooney, John Murphy, Martin Myers, Natanya Nerenberg, Agnes McKenna Power, Sleepy Hollow Creations, Lucie St-Jean, Percy Thorpe, Toshiro Tsubokura.
Saturday, November 17, 2012­Sunday, January 27, 2013
Business hours: Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Photo : Ignoring Cudie, Painting by Kurt Marhue


1 November 2012
img The Studio Georgeville bookstore
If you're looking for a book to curl up with on a crisp autumn evening, you might want to consider dropping in to see  the Studio Georgeville bookstore.
Our latest title comes from Ogden's own Benny Beattie. Test your knowledge with his Questions, Quizzes, and Quotations!


15 October 2012
img The Origins and Development of Lake Memphremagog
Georgeville Nature Ski and Studio Georgeville present
An audio-visual presentation by  Dr. Derek Booth
The Origins and Development of Lake Memphremagog
Saturday, November 17, 2012 , 16 h (4 p.m.) 
Murray Memorial Hall,  4680 chemin Georgeville,  Georgeville, QC
Admission: $10
Refreshments will be served. 
How did Lake Memphremagog and the landforms around it  come into being? Derek Booth will unravel these mysteries! 
(Photo: Niels Jensen)


22 September 2012
The Beautiful Mystery
Are you looking for Louise Penny's latest novel, 
The Beautiful Mystery?
Studio Georgeville has just received copies.
But the supply is limited, so place your order by phone (819-843-9992) or drop by the gallery (20 Carré Copp, Georgeville) soon!


20 September 2012
img Haunting
Studio Georgeville presents Haunting
October 2 until November 11, 2012
with works by  Louise Abbott (, Pamela Cartwright, Sara Day (, Mary Harman (, Niels Jensen (, Tricia McDaid, Tanya McIntyre, Natanya Nerenberg, and Agnes Power


10 September 2012
img Feng Shui
Wednesday, September 19, 6:30 p.m., 2012 / 6:30 p.m.
Tickets: $10
Le Feng Shui est un terme qui signifie « vent et eau ». Il est issu d'un très ancien principe chinois et désigne essentiellement l'art d'aménager et de décorer son environnement pour faire circuler librement l'énergie de façon harmonieuse pour obtenir des conditions optimales pour la santé, le bien-être et le bonheur de ses habitants. 
Si vous souhaitez changer des choses dans votre vie pour en améliorer certains aspects comme par exemple trouver un nouveau travail, obtenir une augmentation de salaire, améliorer votre santé, trouver l'amour ou avoir du succès, venez assister à cette conférence pour apprendre ce que le Feng Shui peut vous apporter de bien. De plus, vous apprendrez votre nombre « Ming Gua » qui vous informe sur vos bonnes directions pour dormir et travailler. 


10 September 2012
img Early Music
Studio Georgeville   and St. George's Church  present
A Demonstration of Early Music
avec / with Maude Fréchette-Gagné, soprano
Jean-Yves St-Pierre, instrumentalist
Sunday, November 11, 2012 / 4:00 p.m.
St. George's Church, 32 chemin Magoon Point, Georgeville
Suggested donation: $10 
Discover the distinctive sounds of cylindrical recorders, as well as the gemshorn, crumhorn, ottavino, virginal, and other instruments of the medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque eras!


29 August 2012
img Distant Traces
Studio Georgeville  presents Distant Traces
An exhibition by Patterson Webster
Tuesday, September 11, until Sunday, September 30, 2012
The highest level of experience is not to create something from nothing, but rather to nudge something which already exists so that the world shows up more vividly. U-Fan-Lee Distant Traces explores the ways in which time, memory, and personal experience define how we see the natural world.
The sculpture, objects and images in Distant Traces come from the fields, ponds, and woodlands around North Hatley, and reflect my way of seeing that familiar landscape. Inverted tree branches recall human figures walking across rocky land. Wood gnawed by a beaver becomes a twisted torso. A summer forest appears blanketed in snow.
Perceptions shift as we move from one viewpoint to another, and from one moment to the next. Reflections in glass and water make it difficult to separate the surface from what's beneath or beyond, suggesting hidden dimensions that we can see if only we look hard enough. Markings on a tree stare back near a tangle of bushes that could be a shelter. But for whom?
How we picture the world and imagine ourselves within it shapes who we are. Distant Traces opens up a conversation between experience and observations that I invite you to share.
Patterson Webster is an artist and garden consultant specializing in garden history and design. Raised in the southern United States, she lives in Montreal and North Hatley, Quebec, and lectures across Canada on art and garden design.


21 August 2012
imgimg Where the Heart Is: An Evening of Poetry and Artful Sound
Studio Georgeville presents Where the Heart Is
An evening of poetry and artful sound
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Doors open at 7 p.m. / Show starts at 7:30 p.m.
Suggested Donation for Admission: $10
Featuring itinerant spoken word poets Ian Ferrier and Kathy Fisher, who have shared stages in Edmonton, Banff, Fort McLeod, and Montreal, and who are delighted to be performing for the first time in the Memphremagog region.
Just back from his cross-Canada motorcycle tour, Montrealer and sometimes/longtime Dunkin/Eastern Townships resident Ian Ferrier will transport you with his stories and songs, the haunting tones of his guitar. His signature quiet compelling voice is at the centre of every piece An insistence on the music of words that acknowledges the unique possibilities of language. ~National Post For more about Ian, please see 

Kathy Fisher grew up on the shores of Lake Memphremagog and currently lives in Alberta, where she is a well-known poet and part of  Edmonton's poetry and spoken word scene. While her restless nature has pushed her across the country and overseas, the lake has never left her. She writes of water, of ice, of longing, of belonging. Her poems are beautiful narratives, a lyrical weave of words that move you through the stories she wants to tell about life, death and everything in between. ~ Edmonton Examiner See a short YouTube of Kathy Fisher in performance in Edmonton. 


26 July 2012
img Tempo Exhibition
August 14 to September 9  
Louise Abbott, Étienne Bolduc, Francine Denault,  Emma Frank, José Garcia-Lozano, Allyna Harris, Niels Jensen, Jason Krpan, Stephen Paglia, Gene Pendon, Martin Rodriguez, Anne Van Mierlo 

Watch a  music video directed by José Garcia-Lozano


21 July 2012
img Homebrew Dixieland Band
Studio Georgeville presents
Friday, August 24, 7:30 p.m. The Homebrew Dixieland Band in Concert (Murray Memorial Hall)
Please buy your ticket at Studio Georgeville, 20 Copp's Square, Georgeville, or phone 819-843-9992 to reserve a seat.


24 June 2012
imgimg Souvenirs
Here are some visual mementoes of Ian Bruce and others who enjoyed rides in his magnificent electric boat.


04 June 2012
img Gardens of Delight
 The Community Association of Georgeville, in collaboration with Studio Georgeville, presents
Gardens of Delight: A Self-Guided Tour of 5 Gardens in and around Georgeville
Sunday, July 8, 2012, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Rain or Shine!
Tickets: $20
Tickets are limited, and can be purchased in person at Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville, QC or via credit card at 819-843-9992. You will receive your itinerary when you pick up your ticket. First come, first served!
Studio Georgeville will be open Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. until June 25. After June 25, the gallery will be open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The proceeds will benefit the Community Association of Georgeville. Parking space is limited, so carpooling is strongly recommended. The homeowners will be on hand to answer questions about their gardens. Don't forget your straw hat and sunscreen, as well as umbrella, along with your walking shoes. You are welcome to bring a bag lunch to eat during the tour. Light refreshments will also be served.


29 May 2012
img Vision x 3
Studio Georgeville Presents Vision x 3
June 2- 24
Exhibition by Anthony Hobbs, Mary Martha Guy, & Carolyne Harrison  
Paintings by Anthony Hobbs, Carolyne Harrison, & Mary Martha Guy


20 May 2012
Ian Bruce Boat Designer
Studio Georgeville hosts the 2012 Master Craftsman Presentation
Boat Designer Ian Bruce: The Bruce 22 Electric Boat
June 24, 2012
11 to 11:45 a.m. Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville
Ian Bruce will discuss the design and development of boats he has built, and answer questions from the audience.
If you would like to go for a short boat ride skippered by Ian Bruce in the afternoon, you must register in the morning to secure your place. First come first served!
Admission Fee for presentation and boat ride: $10 You can pick up your tickets at Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville. You can also order them by phone (819-843-9992), pay by credit card, and then pick them up at the door on June 24.
12 to 1:30 p.m. Auberge McGowan Inn, 51 Carré Copp, Georgeville
Ian will be available for informal discussions over lunch.
If you would like to join us for lunch at Auberge McGowan Inn, please make your own reservation: 819-843-2126. You can also buy a sandwich or salad at the Georgeville General Store or a light lunch at the Phat Hawg at 314 Channel Road on the outskirts of Georgeville. If you bring a bag lunch, you're welcome to eat at a picnic table on the village green. 1:30 to 4 p.m. Lake Memphremagog
The electric boat will be launched at the Georgeville wharf and will be available for short rides skippered by Ian Bruce.
For more information about these events, please call Studio Georgeville at 819-843-9992 or eMay l studiogeorgeville@gMay
For more information about the electric boat, please visit


06 May 2012
imgimg New jewellery at Studio Georgeville
Studio Georgeville constantly replenishes the gallery's selection of jewellery. Our newest pieces were crafted by Stanstead jeweller Julie Mineau.


26 April 2012
img Rites of Spring
For those of you who are turning your energy and attention to your gardens, the current Studio Georgeville exhibition, Rites of Spring, should be of considerable interest. Rites of Spring, which runs until May 27, features the garden art of two well-known Ruiter Brook sculptors, Stanley Lake and Almut Ellinghaus.
Lake, who has been a potter for over forty years, has found a niche in creating unusual and eye-catching ceramic fountains‹wall fountains and stand-alone fountains, all containing the human face, as well as other forms of garden art. Almut Ellinghaus's creativity expresses itself through archetypal human forms. The display of the combined works of these two artists is fascinating and lively. Says Lake: "[We both] approach the human form, and in particular the human face, and present creations that have some similarities, but overall we are quite different from one another, conveying very different feelings."  Lake and Ellinghaus, who are partners in life, work together at their studio in Dunkin, Quebec, where they feed off each other's work and ideas. Ellinghaus earned her degree in puppet and mask theatre at the Academy for Music and Performing Arts in Stuttgart, Germany. "The trick in making a good theatre mask is .. to create many expressions within the same face that reveal themselves when viewing the face from different angles." She brings to her large sculptures an awareness of the vital relationship between the human face and the body. Lake began by making functional pottery but later found a flair for marrying pottery with nature, and began to create garden art that often incorporates the human face‹sometimes humorous, sometimes evocative, always innovative and unique. Working with Ellinghaus, Lake says, has made him explore and analyze the human form more deeply than ever.


02 April 2012
img Sarah Biggs in Concert
Sarah Biggs in Concert
Murray Memorial Hall, Georgeville
Saturday, June 9, at 7 p.m.

Sarah will be accompanied by Laura Teasdale (harmonies),  Stanley Lake (trumpet), Amos Joannides (guitar),  and Robin Wilkinson (bass).
This concert has been made possible by a grant from Canadian Heritage
 through the ACCORD program of the English-Language Arts Network (ELAN).
The funds raised will help Studio Georgeville to continue to offer exciting cultural events!
Tickets: $15 for adults. $8 for children under 12. You can pick up tickets at Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville.  You can also order them by phone (819-843-9992), pay by credit card, and then pick them up at the door.



17 january 2012
img Graeme Ross
Studio Georgeville presents An exhibition by Graeme Ross
March 3 -April 1, 2012
Please note that the gallery will be open on weekends only (or by special appointment) during the exhibition.  Saturday and Sunday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Come to see us!
Graeme Ross was a well-known Montreal painter. A graduate of Montreal's École des Beaux-Arts and recipient of the Governor-General's award, Ross studied under Alfred Pellan and then attended the Académie Julien in Paris. In 1971-72 he taught drawing and painting at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA), and in 1974 at the Banff School of Fine Arts. In 1956 and again in 1971, Ross had solo exhibitions at the MMFA, and in 2001 and 2005 he showed at the Art Sales and Rental Gallery of the MMFA. He also had one-man shows at Galerie Jean-Pierre Valentin (1981, 1983, 1987); the Musée du Bas Saint-Laurent, Rivière-du-Loup (1987); Galerie Pierre Larin, Saint-Sauveur (1982), and Galerie Westmount (1986, 1991, 1994). Over five hundred paintings by Ross are now held by private collectors, including Westmount City Hall, Reader's Digest, and other institutions and corporations. In 1995 Ross won a first prize at the Biennale de Paris.



29 November 2011
img Studio Georgeville at Townships Expressions
Studio Georgeville member Louise Abbott will be one of several regional artists featured at a Townships Expressions event on Sunday, December 4, 2011, from 2 to 4 p.m., at the Marguerite Knapp Building at 257 Queen Street in Lennoxville. Also on hand will be singer-songwriters Sarah Biggs and Matthew McCully, violonist Koryne Fraser, and author Nick Fonda. Humourist Ross Murray will be the master of ceremonies. Do join us in Lennoxville for this Christmas celebration! 


27 November 2011
img Sara Mills at Studio Georgeville
Sara Mills - A profile by Heather Paterson
When Sara Mills sinks her hands into clay, she feels a primal satisfaction. "I love to feel my hands forming a piece," says the ceramist, whose work is currently on display at Studio Georgeville (20 Carré Copp, Georgeville). "They have an intelligence of their own. I like to leave the marks of my hands and fingers on a piece, so whoever owns it can see my mark." With her husband, fellow ceramist Michel Louis Viala, Mills makes affordable kitchen and dining stoneware, which forms the basis of their income and clientele. They work together on the design and production at their Pigeon Hill studio, and through the years have established a strong customer base. "Our stoneware is often a client's first introduction to hand-made pottery," says Mills. "We have developed lasting relationships with many people who come to the studio to buy it." 
Of course, both Mills and Viala do individual work as well. Mills works in raku, making hand-built sculptures and pinch pots. Raku requires a special clay, which is mixed with sand to reduce the thermal shock of going from a propane-fired kiln heated to one thousand degrees Celsius directly into straw or sawdust. Mills uses a copper or other oxide glaze, which crackles in the sawdust; when the smoke enters these unglazed cracks, it creates the beautiful black tracings characteristic of raku. Mills particularly enjoys "le bonheur dans le hasard"‹the happy surprises that arise from the unknown elements involved in raku. Decades of experience have reduced the number of surprises for Mills; nevertheless, her finished products always have an element of chance that delights her and results in the uniqueness of each piece. Lately, Mills's sculptures have been based on the idea of balance‹balance in our individual lives and balance in the global environment: One of the pieces being shown at Studio Georgeville is of a woman juggling kitchen and office ware, expressing how women need to balance many elements in their lives. Other sculptures include pea-pod boats and fish‹creatures that can only thrive in a healthy and balanced marine environment.
Mills, who was born and raised in London, England, was strongly encouraged by her parents to appreciate art; during her childhood, she made frequent visits to museums and art galleries with them. One of her aunts, who owned a gallery, was a potter. Mills moved to Canada at the age of nineteen, earned her undergraduate degree in fine arts and education at Concordia University, and then worked in pottery, serving many apprenticeships. Over thirty years ago, she and Viala set up their studio Les Ateliers Pluriel Singulier. Together they have taught many aspiring potters and helped to kindle awareness of the skilled artists in the area. They have given workshops at their studio, and, as part of the provincial government's Artists in Schools program, have travelled to communities throughout Quebec, including the Cree Nation of Nemaska, to teach children. Sixteen years ago, along with painting-on-silk artist Sylvie Bouchard, they launched the Tournée des 20, an annual autumn studio tour that acquaints the public with the work of twenty or so local artists, as well as an invited artist.
Mills has exhibited in Canada, France, England, and the United States, and won an award of merit at the 2011 Fireworks Exhibition for a set of nesting bowls. She is represented with one of her floating clay spheres water installations in the book 500 Ceramic Sculptures, Contemporary Practice,Singular Works, published by Lark Books in 2009.
After a long history of working with clay, Mills reMay ns as enthusiastic as ever about her chosen medium. "It bothers me when I'm too long away from working with clay. It is the basis of my well-being and brings balance to my life."                                                                             


16 November 2011
img A Pottery Extravaganza
Studio Georgeville presents A Pottery Extravaganza
Works by Louise Abbott, Judy Bachelder, Mahmoud Baghaeian, Patricia Barrowman, Kent Benson, François Boisvert, Mary Cartmel, Pamela Cartwright, Marie Codebeq, Virginia Cope, Dorothée Deschamps, Danielle Dion, Willa Drummond, Anne Bruce Falconer, Jocelyne Fougères, Michèle Gagnon, Elin Gustafson, Gladys Hann-O'Neil, Suetables (Susan Henderson), Copy Cat Creations (Amanda Heywood), Anthony Hobbs, Joyce Hyndman, Niels Jensen, Anne Johnson, Kazuyo Kamada, Shannon Lewis, Paul Lozano, Tricia McDaid, David MacDonald, Lisa and Robert McNeil, Sara Mills, Agnes McKenna Power, Natanya Nerenberg, Louise Perreault, Monique Quine, Luke Sullivan, Carla Straessle, Marika Szabo, Toshiro Tsubokura.
Saturday, November 19, 2011 to Sunday, January 29, 2012.


14 November 2011
img Vito DeFilippo in Concert
Studio Georgeville is pleased to announce that Vito DeFilippo, who gave a delightful concert for us in Georgeville last January and then went on to perform in the Montreal musical hit  "Schwartz's,"  is giving a concert at the Segal Centre, 5170 Cote-Ste-Catherine Road in Montreal, on December 10 at 8 p.m.
To reserve tickets or to obtain further information, please telephone (514) 739-2301


18 October 2011
img Raptors of the Townships
Georgeville Nature Ski and Studio Georgeville present: Raptors of the Townships
A presentation by Robert Carswell
Ospreys, sometimes known as sea hawks, prefer to nest near water so that they can catch fish, their Main dietary source. This one built a nest in a wetland overlooking Fitch Bay on Lake Memphremagog in the spring of 2011.
Hawks, eagles, falcons, owls‹all of them are raptors, or birds of prey, and the raptors seen in the Eastern Townships are the subject of what promises to be a fascinating presentation by lifelong birder and Potton resident Robert Carswell.
Murray Memorial Hall, 4680, chemin Georgeville, Georgeville
Saturday, November 19, 2011 / 16 h (4 p.m.)
Admission: $8
Refreshments will be served.  


12 October 2011
img The Members' Show
Studio Georgeville presents an exhibition by the members of the coopérative des artistes de Georgeville
Works by Louise Abbott, Mary Cartmel, Pamela Cartwright, Virginia Cope, Elin Gustafson, Niels Jensen, Agnes McKenna Power Painting by Virginia Cope  


07 October 2011
Forms and Contracts Seminar
Business Seminar Series for Artists
CEDEC's Small Business Support Network and Studio Georgeville are pleased to present a 3-part Christa Fairchild business seminar series aimed at Arts Entrepreneurs. There is one seminar left in the series.
Forms and Contracts
November 10, 2011 / 6:30 - 8:30pm
Building good business relations starts with a good contract and procedures. This seminar deals with the anatomy of a contract to help build your confidence during negotiations. As well we will address relevant legal aspects and documentation to May ntain your healthy working relationships.
Register by Nov 3.
All workshops take place in English at: Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville QC.
$30 per workshop
Montreal-born Christa Fairchild is a marketing and business consultant in the art world and offers business courses to artists in Montreal and Toronto. Not only is she an entrepreneur with a master's degree in business (MBA) but also an accomplished fine art photographer. Fairchild's passion is sharing with other artists the knowledge and expertise that she has developed over her fifteen-year career in design, marketing, and communications.  


07 September 2011
img The Farm
Studio Georgeville presents The Farm
Works by Louise Abbott, Richard Bélanger, Francois Boisvert, Mary Cartmel, Pamela Cartwright, Virginia Cope, Christa Fairchild, Margot Graham Heyerhoff, Niels Jensen, David Lynch, David MacDonald, Martin Myers, Trevor McKinven, Gladys Hann-O'Neil, Agnes McKenna Power, Denis Palmer, Marika Szabo, Luigi Tiengo.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011 - Sunday, October 9, 2011
Vernissage: 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, September 10, 2011
Studio Georgeville is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.  


30 August 2011
Writing Workshop with Joel Yanofsky
Quebec Writers' Federation Workshops
Fall Session 2011
Saturday, November 12, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville, Québec Workshop leader: Joel Yanofsky
Workshop fee: $80 for QWF members; $85 for non-members

Memoir is the art of inventing the truth - William Zinsser
Take something and do something to it, then do something else. - Jasper Johns
A fact is a made thing, the New Yorker editor Bill Buford said, and in this day-long workshop course we will examine this idea and put it into action. Writing, like any other job, is about problem-solving, and we will endeavour to do that during the workshop. After a brief introduction and a discussion of some handouts, we will get down to the business of personal writing, which is all about transforming fact and memory into compelling stories.
This course will be hands-on and pragmatic. Participants are encouraged to submit a short (approximately 800-word) piece of non-fiction, a personal essay or an excerpt from a memoir for class discussion at least a week prior to the workshop. Please eMay l it to  with "For Joel Yanofsky" in the subject line. This is recommended but not necessary. If time allows, we will also do an in-class exercise. Here are some of the topics we will touch upon during the workshop:
1. What's the difference? Defining terms like creative non-fiction, memoir, personal essays, autobiography, and autobiographical fiction.
2. Storytelling: The basics character, plot, dialogue, voice, style, structure and other scary words.
3. Discovering your subject: : as raw material, how to transform that raw material.
4. Revise, revise, revise: The art of criticizing, analyzing. Editing and revising your own work.
5. Marketing: Some tips on pitching your ideas and selling your work.
6. Taking risks:: The advantages and pitfalls of personal writing or: Who's Going to Be Mad at Me Now?
Joel Yanofsky has written four books, including his latest, the memoir Bad Animals: A Father's Accidental Education in Autism. He's also the author of Homo Erectus... And Other Popular Tales of True Romance, Jacob's Ladder and Mordecai & Me: An Appreciation of a Kind, which won QWF's Mavis Gallant Prize for Non-fiction and The Canadian Jewish Book Award. He's a regular book reviewer for The Montreal Gazette and has written for a variety of publications. He's won two National Magazine Awards as well as The Malahat Review's 2008 Creative Non-fiction prize. He lives in Montreal with his wife and son. Registration Information
To register, eMail  or call (514) 933-0878
Payment Information
Payment is due within one week of registration to confirm your spot. Payment options are listed in the column to the right.


13 August 2011
The Business of Art: A Seminar Series
Business Seminar Series for Artists
CEDEC's Small Business Support Network and Studio Georgeville are pleased to present a 3-part Christa Fairchild business seminar series aimed at Arts Entrepreneurs. There are two seminars left in the series.
Managing Your Own Exhibitions and Events 
October 6, 2011 / 6:30 - 8:30pm
Creating a successful exhibition or event takes a balance of good organization and careful planning. This practical course on event management includes how to find the right venue, pricing your work to sell, PR and promotion as well as scheduling.
Register by Sept 29. 

Forms and Contracts
November 10, 2011 / 6:30 - 8:30pm
Building good business relations starts with a good contract and procedures. This seminar deals with the anatomy of a contract to help build your confidence during negotiations. As well we will address relevant legal aspects and documentation to May ntain your healthy working relationships.
Register by Nov 3.
All workshops take place in English at:  Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville QC.
$30 per workshop
Montreal-born Christa Fairchild is a marketing and business consultant in the art world and offers business courses to artists in Montreal and Toronto. Not only is she an entrepreneur with a master's degree in business (MBA) but also an accomplished fine art photographer. Fairchild's passion is sharing with other artists the knowledge and expertise that she has developed over her fifteen-year career in design, marketing, and communications.


12 August 2011
img The Lake
Studio Georgeville presents The Lake 
Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - Sunday, September 4, 2011
Vernissage: 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, August 20, 2011
Works by Louise Abbott, Virginia Cope, Niels Jensen, Agnes McKenna Power, Duff Armour, Shannon Cooney, Gael Eakin, Sigrid Fisher, Juliana Lynch-Staunton, Martin Myers, Elsa Mongeau, Sara Peck Colby,  Lucie St-Jean.
Studio Georgeville  is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For more information about the lake exhibition and other upcoming events, please call 819-843-9992  or send an eMay l to studiogeorgeville@gMay
Photo Mallards on Memphremagog by Louise Abbott


11 August 2011
Susan Valyi
Please note that this is the last week to see Susan Valyi's amazing sculptures at Studio Georgeville.
The show ends on Sunday, August 14.
You might enjoy taking a look at this short video of Susan's work-in-progress:


18 July 2011
img The Show Goes On
Studio Georgeville presents The Show Goes On
Works by Louise Abbott,  Judy Bachelder, Felix Bérubé, Virginia Cope,  Mary Cartmel, Pam Cartwright, Marie Codebecq, Willa Drummond, Michèle Gagnon, Ena Greyeyes, Elin Gustafson, Anthony Hobbs, Niels Jensen, Louise Larouche, Trisha McDaid, Sara Mills, Martin Myers, Ingrid Nicolai, Denis Palmer, Catherine Pearce, Louise Perreault, Agnes McKenna Power, Pnina Soleil, Carla Straessle, Susan Valyi.
The exhibition will continue until Sunday, August 14, 2011.


18 July 2011
Literary Readings at Studio Georgeville
Studio Georgeville presents Literary readings by Townships writers
Marjorie Bruhmuller, Brenda Hartwell, Heather Paterson, Carolyn Rowell, and Ann Scowcroft.
Saturday, July 23, 2011 / 2:00 p.m.-3:15 p.m.
Light refreshments will be served.
Admission: $5.00
 Marjorie Bruhmuller is a poet whose work has appeared in: Grain, Event, Room, The Antigonish Review, The Poetry Project (Tupelo Press), THEMA, California Quarterly, Willow Review, Taproot IV, The Light in Ordinary Things, The New Writer (UK), Sleet, FreeFall, The Frogmore Papers (UK), and most recently in, Under the Radar (UK), The Centrifugal Eye, Other Voices, The Ottawa Arts Review, Poetry Quebec and Nashwaak Review. She lives on a farm in Milby, Quebec.
Brenda Hartwell is a writer, editor, and community activist who lives in Baldwin's Mills. She is the driving force behind the Taproot anthologies, and a sampling of her non-fiction articles can be found at A few complimentary copies of the Profile of the English-speaking Community in the Eastern Townships, Second Edition, a book she edited and co-wrote with researcher Joanne Pocock in 2010, will be available at Studio Georgeville. Several copies of the latest Townships Sun, which features her article on Ann Scowcroft, will also be available free of charge.
Heather Paterson studied creative writing at Concordia University and has since facilitated many writing workshops in Ottawa and some in the Townships. For many years she wrote short fiction, before turning to playwriting. Her first play, The Last Game, was performed by Vision Theatre in Ottawa in 2004. Crossing Bridge, her second play, will be work-shopped by Ottawa's Third Wall Theatre, she hopes, in the fall. She is currently working on another comedy. At Studio Georgeville she will be reading from the first scene of Crossing Bridge.
Carolyn Rowell teaches creative writing at Bishop's University and, for many years, has led creative writing workshops in the local writing community. Her work has appeared in Event, Descant, The Dalhousie Review, and Taproot. Carolyn lives in Baldwin's Mills
Ann Scowcroft has been a professional writer and editor for many years, and was an academic for a few. She has a PhD in Applied Linguistics and presently works in the field of humanitarian assistance. Quebec is home base. Her first collection of poetry, The Truth of Houses, was published by Brick Books this year.  


18 July 2011
img Une exposition au festival
Samedi dernier, tournant le coin de rue qui donne sur le carré Copp à Georgeville, j'ai aperçu une petite foule rassemblée devant la galerie d'art Studio Georgeville. Derrière un groupe de tables, les producteurs locaux vendaient leur marchandise : des oeufs, des fruits et des légumes biologiques ainsi que du sorbet au basilic et des chandelles à la cire d'abeille. Les acheteurs satisfaits étaient aussi occupés à discuter qu'à faire des achats.

Entrant dans la galerie, j'ai vu des visiteurs qui erraient dans le studio, étudiant les fantastiques sculptures excentriques de l'artiste ontarienne Susan Valyi, les peintures chaleureuses de la Montréalaise Catherine Hüet Measroch. Il y avait aussi diverses oeuvres produites par les membres de la coopérative du Studio Georgeville et des articles confectionnés à la Main par des artisans des Cantons de l'Est et d'ailleurs. Comme d'habitude, j'ai été frappée par le dynamisme de Studio Georgeville et je me suis demandé comment les membres réussissaient à organiser, coup sur coup, des expositions et des événements aussi impressionnants. « Nous ne sommes jaMay s à court d'idées! », dit Louise Abbott, présidente de la coopérative qui gère Studio Georgeville.
Depuis leurs tout premiers visiteurs en June 2008, les membres de la coopérative Studio Georgeville ont travaillé sans arrêt pour remplir un mandat exigeant. Ce mandat, explique Mme Abbott, consiste à « exposer les artistes des Cantons de l'Est, montrer les oeuvres produites par des artistes d'autres régions aux artistes estriens et fournir une grande variété d'activités culturelles à la communauté ». Le tout, il est clair, a fait croître la réputation de la galerie, tant localement que régionalement. Les événements ont compris notamment des ateliers de métiers d'arts, des lancements de livres, des lectures, des concerts, des visionnements de films et le tout nouveau marché public qui aura lieu tous les samedis matin de l'été.
Studio Georgeville organise des expositions sélectionnées par jury qui durent de deux à quatre seMay nes et qui présentent peintures, sculptures et installations créées par des artistes connus ou émergents. La galerie présente aussi les oeuvres produites par les membres de la coopérative : peintures, gravures et sculptures en papier mâché d'Agnes McKenna Power; art multimédia et bijoux d'Elin Gustafson, directrice du Studio; documentaires et photographies de Louise Abbott; sculptures en stéatite et en bronze de Mary Cartmel; photographies et meubles fabriqués à la May n de Niels Jensen; et peintures de Pamela Cartwright et de Virginia Cope.
En plus de vendre de l'art exquis, Studio Georgeville vend des livres d'auteurs locaux et régionaux, de la poterie unique, des cartes fabriquées par des artistes et une variété d'autres articles. Les planchers en bois polis de la galerie, son excellent éclairage et son affichage de bon goût rendent toutes visites esthétiquement agréables. Le magnifique vitrail panoramique représentant le village qui couronne les fenêtres sur la devanture ajoute une certaine richesse et une douce lumière atténuée. Vous retrouverez souvent les membres de la coopérative derrière le comptoir ou encore discutant des oeuvres exposées avec les visiteurs. Comme Agnes McKenna Power l'indique, créer de l'art pour les expositions qui ont lieu à longueur d'année au Studio Georgeville est très motivant. « Jadis, on travaillait frénétiquement pour participer au Festival des Arts annuel de Georgeville-Fitch Bay, Mais une fois le festival terminé, c'était le calme plat. Mais Maintenant, je suis encouragée à créer pendant toute l'année et le fait que j'ai un endroit où exposer mes oeuvres est très stimulant. » La peintre Pamela Cartwright est bien d'accord : « Être membre de la coopérative donne l'impulsion requise pour terminer une oeuvre qui a été mise de côté. »
Niels Jensen, qui fabrique souvent des meubles sur demande, ajoute : « La galerie m'offre la chance d'expérimenter, d'innover et de présenter des designs et des images sortis tout droit de mon imagination. » Les membres de la coopérative aiment travailler ensemble pour générer de nouvelles idées et en apprendre plus sur les affaires dans le doMay ne des arts. Ils aiment aussi agrandir leur réseau à travers leurs contacts avec d'autres artistes, écrivains, musiciens et cinéastes des Cantons de l'Est et d'ailleurs. Ils apprécient les commentaires et le soutien de la communauté locale et espèrent attirer de plus en plus de visiteurs francophones. Les projets comprennent des lectures de plusieurs auteurs locaux; des ateliers sur la rédaction de mémoires animés par le Montréalais Joel Yanofsky; des cours de yoga matinaux tous les mercredis; sans oublier de nouvelles expositions mémorables.
Pour de plus amples renseignements concernant les expositions et les événements du Studio Georgeville, veuillez appeler au 819 843-9992, visiter le ou envoyer un courriel au studiogeorgeville@gMay
-Heather Paterson



23 June 2011
imgimg À propos du réel
Passez par la porte d'entrée du Studio Georgeville entre le 28 June et le 10 juillet, et vous aurez l'impression d'être sur une autre planète. Dans cette nouvelle exposition, intitulée "À propos du réel", la collection farfelue de sculptures animales/huMay nes de l'artiste ontarienne Susan Valyi ­ sculptures construites à partir de divers matériauxtrouvés qui sont aussi farfelus - intriguera et amusera les adultes et jeunes spectateurs. La galerie présentera également les sobres peintures aux couleurs chaudes de la Montréalaise Catherine Huët-Measroch, dont le thème est centré sur la recherche de l'insaisissable, l'esprit rebelle des femmes.
Le vernissage de l'exposition "À propos du réel" aura lieu le samedi, 2 juillet, de 17 h à 19 h, au Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, au coeur du village de Georgeville.
S'il vous plaît notez que Studio Georgeville passe en horaire d'été le 28 June ; la galerie sera ouverte du mardi au dimanche de 11 h à 17 h jusqu'à la fin September .
Pour plus d'informations sur cette exposition et autres événements au Studio Georgeville, n'hésitez pas d'appeler 819-843-9992 ou de nous contacter par courriel à  


18 June 2011
We were thinking of men (and Father's Day) when we acquired these handmade neckties from Mexico to sell at Studio Georgeville. But, hey, they're so colourful that women might like to have one, too! 
For more information about the tie maker, please visit


18 June 2011
img Turtles on the Move
Studio Georgeville member Niels Jensen saw this snapping turtle as she migrated back to water after laying her eggs in a nest in the sand on the edge of Stanstead Road in Tomifobia. As you drive, please keep alert for snapping and painted turtles in the region. Roadside nesting is a precarious adventure for these ancient creatures.  


18 June 2011
img Un monde en équilibre
"Un Monde en Équilibre," Studio Georgeville's  current exhibition (June 11-26, 2011), presents landscape paintings by two remarkable artists‹Mary Harman of Vale Perkins and Suzanne Olivier of Ormstown.  Their works are as visually different as you can imagine-Harman's soft, muted, landscapes tend to the representational, while Olivier's brilliant, kaleidoscopic work is more abstract. But the works share a common theme-a desire by the artists to present an ideal, eternal world of harmony and equilibrium.
"My work is neither faithfully realistic nor objective," Mary Harman says. "I may begin with an actual scene, but then I edit the composition to create a work of art rather than a documentation.  I create an ordered reality in a world in chaos, an illusion. I want my viewer to experience a suspended state of all time and all seasons‹an imaginary space suffused with light and stillness." Suzanne Olivier grew up under the influence of the Automatist movement, which originated in Quebec in the 1940s and emphasized a spontaneous, gestural approach to art. This approach, she says, "transformed my work into imaginary landscapes, liberated from tradition and representation.  I invent and develop the canvas using random forms and movements, and I never work from observation or memory." Mary Harman, the daughter of a Flemish artist, was born in rural Ohio. She studied art at Ohio State University and Syracuse University, and immigrated to Canada in 1969. She studied at Arts Sake in Toronto, and has worked full time as an artist since 1990. Her range of media and styles is impressively wide and technically impeccable, including fired clay, three-dimensional works, and mixed-media holograms. For a glimpse of her exciting work, visit The paintings she is showing at Studio Georgeville are landscapes of the Vale Perkins area‹"part of an ongoing series about the land, the dwellings, and the spirits of the past that inhabit this place."
Suzanne Olivier studied at the École des Beaux Arts in Montreal in the 1960s. She has worked in the animation department of the National Film Board, where she directed two films. Of the method she uses for her extraordinary landscapes, Olivier says, "In the beginning, I look for the image/landscape suggested on the canvas, and then I construct it gradually by repeatedly adding precision and depth. I let images develop in my mind and live with them for several weeks." You can catch a glimpse of her dazzling work at
Both of these stylistically divergent artists admire and draw their inspiration from each other's works as well as from the natural world. The visual contrast and thematic unity apparent in their combined display promise to be provocative and energizing.


09 June 2011
Arts Festival
Studio Georgeville presents An Arts Festival
Works by Louise Abbott, Duff Armour, Judy Bachelder, Felix Bérubé, Virginia Cope,  Mary Cartmel, Pam Cartwright, Michèle Gagnon, Ena Greyeyes, Elin Gustafson, Anthony Hobbs, Niels Jensen,  Trisha McDaid, Sara Mills, Martin Myers, Catherine Hüet Measroch, Ingrid Nicolai, Denis Palmer, Agnes McKenna Power, Susan Valyi.
Vernissage: Friday, July 15, 2011 / 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
The exhibition will continue until Sunday, July 24, 2011.


24 May 2011
The Wegner-Jensen Show in Video
If you missed the exhibition-sale of Hans Wegner vintage furniture and Niels Jensen contemporary furniture, you can now view it in a short video onYouTube.


8 May 2011
The Children's Wish Foundation
Although multi-media artist Kim Vergil's exhibition is over, she has kindly left a selection of her woodland fairies at Studio Georgeville. These delightful pieces are sold to benefit the Children's Wish Foundation. The suggested donation is $50. So why not take home a magical creation and help a child fulfill their dream.


25 April 2011
img A CEDEC Workshop with Christa Fairchild
Studio Georgeville and CEDEC's Small Business Support Network Present : How to Best Market Your Arts Business: A Workshop with Christa Fairchild
Thursday, May 19, 2011 / 6:30-8:30pm
This presentation deals with the essential marketing skills and tools needed to make your art business grow. The workshop covers: understanding your market, pricing strategies that work, choosing the right venues for exhibiting, marketing skills, and making the most of public relations.
Montreal-born Christa Fairchild is a marketing and business consultant in the art world, and offers business courses to artists in Montreal and Toronto. Not only is she an entrepreneur with a Master's degree in business (MBA), but also an accomplished fine art photographer. Fairchild's passion is sharing with other artists the knowledge and expertise she's developed over her fifteen-year career in design, marketing, and communications.


15 April 2011
img The Rustic Garden
As a complement to her exhibition at Studio Georgeville, Kim Vergil will give an audio-visual presentation about "the rustic garden." She will discuss the history of the rustic garden and the endless possibilities for creating a garden that looks wonderful year-round. For examples of the organic structures that Kim has created for gardens, please visit
Sunday, May 8, 2011 / 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Admission : $7


29 March 2011
Exhibition by Kim Vergil
Our current exhibition features paintings and other work by multi-media artist 
The show will continue until Sunday, May 8, 2011.


05 March 2011
imgimg Un éclat de vert
Après un long hiver enneigé, Studio Georgeville accueille le printemps avec une exposition intitulée Un éclat de vert. Cette exposition met en vedette de nouvelles oeuvres créées par les membres de la coopérative Elin Gustafson, Niels Jensen et Agnes McKenna Power. L'exposition sera à l'affiche du samedi 5 March au dimanche 10 avril.


17 February 2011
img A First-Ever Solo Show in Quebec of Hans Wegner Furniture
Studio Georgeville, in collaboration with Mobilier Design Georgeville, is presenting a show of the internationally known Danish modern furniture designer  Hans Wegner (1914-2007).
The exhibition will continue until Sunday, June 5, 2011.
Hans Wegner was one of Denmark's most original modern furniture designers, and this is the first-ever solo show in Quebec of his work. All pieces are for sale and represent the broad scope of Wegner's furniture, with both classic and hard-to-find pieces being offered. 
Studio Georgeville is also displaying new work by renowned Townships furniture designer-maker Niels Jensen, who credits Hans Wegner as one of his early inspirations. Wegner was a friend of Niels's late father, architect Kris Krogh Jensen, and Niels grew up surrounded by Wegner furniture. 



18 December 2010
imgimg A concert and film screening
Studio Georgeville presents A concert of 19th-century music Sarah Hoblyn (piano) & Vito DeFilippo ( voice) and
Historic Georgeville: Walks and Talks with John Boynton
A new video documentary by Louise Abbott
Murray Memorial Hall, 4680, chemin Georgeville, Georgeville
Saturday, January 8, 2011 / 4 p.m.
Admission: $5
Refreshments will be served.
The English-language video will be available for sale ($20) at the event in DVD format.
Please reserve your ticket by phoning 819-876-5914 or by emailing


2 December 2010
img Books and Bannock!
Studio Georgeville presents Books and Bannock
Studio Georgeville is hosting a reception to celebrate the publication of Eeyou Istchee: Land of the Cree/Terre des Cris, a new book by Louise Abbott and Niels Jensen. The book will be available for sale. Bannock and other refreshments will be served. Please join us!
Saturday, December 11, 2010, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Presentation by Louise Abbott & Niels Jensen
15 h / 3 p.m.


28 November 2010
Meet Heather Paterson, Communications Officer
Studio Georgeville is run by the seven members of the Coopérative des Artistes de Georgeville. But we couldn't accomplish what we want to accomplish without the dedication of our communications officer, Heather Paterson. Heather is a talented writer, editor, and teacher who lives on a farm on the outskirts of Georgeville. She makes sure that people in the Townships and beyond are aware of our exhibitions and other activities by writing newspaper articles, posting notices in conventional and electronic media, recording public service announcements on CBC radio, and distributing posters in local libraries and other venues. Heather has been helping us for two years, and we thought that it was high time to give her some public kudos!


21 November 2010
Books, books, books
Although our blowout book sale is over, we still have special prices on many of our new and once-read English-language or bilingual non-fiction, fiction, and art books. New titles include the bilingual sumptuous photo book Exile, which includes poetry by Gilles Vigneault; One Planet: A Celebration of Diversity by Nicholas Hulot; and Fragments: Poems, Intimates Notes, Letters by Marilyn Monroe. Come and check out the books on our brand-new bookcases.


20 November 2010
img Meet Helga Loverseed, Globetrotting Journalist
On Saturday, December 4, from 3 to 4 p.m. at Studio Georgeville, globetrotter Helga Loverseed will give a behind-the-scenes look at her work as a travel journalist and photographer; launch her new book,Global Faces-Global Places; and exhibit prints from the book portfolio. Helga's talk will begin at 3:15 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
Helga makes her home in Orford when she's not on assignment. An award-winning, multilingual writer-photographer, she has covered one hundred and seventy destinations, from Cuba to Oman, in the past three decades. Her illustrated feature stories have appeared in over one hundred newspapers and magazines, including the Globe and May l and The (Montreal) Gazette. Helga has chosen thirty images out of her collection of ten thousand for reproduction in her new book and exhibition.
Although she continues to report on exotic places, Helga loves living in the Townships because, she says, they "remind me strongly of the two countries where I grew up - Scotland and Norway. The landscape 'speaks' to me and the serenity of the region provides me with the balance that I need after zipping around the world."
Studio Georgeville is located at 20 Carré Copp in the heart of Georgeville. For more information, please contact us at studiogeorgeville@gMay  or phone 819-843-9992.


10 November 2010
img Christmas Show
Starting on November 13, Studio Georgeville invites you to the gallery's annual Christmas Show. Co-op members Louise Abbott, Mary Cartmel, Pamela Cartwright, Elin Gustafson, Niels Jensen, and Agnes Power, as well as guest artists Sara Peck Colby, Virginia Cope, Naisi LeBaron, Christine Manning, Stefan Starenkyj, and others, will be exhibiting paintings, jewellery, furniture, prints, stained glass, knitted extravaganza, hand-quilted bags, books, DVDs, and other delights. Surprise those you love with a local gift that you won't find anywhere else. The show runs until the end of January.


28 October 2010
img Louise Penny Comes to Georgeville
On Saturday, November 27, at 4 p.m. at Murray Memorial Hall in Georgeville, Louise Penny will give a talk titled "Murder for  a Living," read from her latest mystery novel, Bury Your Dead, and answer questions from the audience. This event is being co-hosted by Studio Georgeville and Georgeville Nature Ski. Penny, once known to Canadians for her presence on CBC Radio, is now known globally as the award-winning author of a series of six murder mysteries whose protagonist is Quebec Chief Inspector Armand Gamache.
For a profile of Penny and more about her new book, see Marianne Ackerman's article in the November 26 edition of  The Gazette.
Bury Your Dead  will be available for sale at Murray Memorial Hall. But you can reserve your copy now by eMay ling studiogeorgeville@gMay  or phoning 1-819-843-9992. We are also selling Penny's previous five mysteries.
Murray Memorial Hall is situated at 4680 chemin Georgeville in the heart of the village of Georgeville. The price of admission to Louise Penny's presentation on November 27 is $7.
  In Penny's first five books, the action takes place largely in a cozy fictitious Eastern Townships village called Three Pines. Her clever linking of the novels through location elicits in the reader a growing connection to the cast of characters who live there, and a subsequent eagerness to read the next novel to see what happens to them.
Bury Your Dead is set partly in Three Pines, but mostly in Quebec City. The plot revolves around the murder of an eccentric archaeologist who spent his life trying to discover the whereabouts of the burial site of Samuel de Champlain, the legendary explorer and governor of New France who died four hundred years ago. The location of Champlain's corpse is somehow linked to the present-day murder. In his search to unravel these mysteries, Chief Inspector Armand Gamache is forced to face his own ghosts and to bury his own dead.
Through Inspector Gamache, Penny explores the accumulation of emotions that lead a person to an action as drastic as murder. Bury Your Dead is described by Booklist as the "best yet" of an outstanding series. Considering that Penny's previous book, The Brutal Telling, just received the U.S. 2010 Anthony Award for best crime novel, this is quite a recommendation.
 Penny's mysteries are always a pleasure to read, providing wit and insight into human nature. They are described as being less about murder than about "what we harbour and hide deep down."


24 October 2010
img Bottomfeeder
We are pleased to report that we had a full house on October 23, 2010, at Murray Memorial Hall when we screened Oceans. The stunning footage in this documentary shows the marvels of the sea, but also the overfishing and pollution that have wreaked havoc. For audience members or others wanting to overcome the feeling of powerlessness in the face of the degradation of the oceans, we highly recommend reading Bottomfeeder: How to Eat Ethically in a World of Vanishing Seafood by Montreal author Taras Grescoe.


22 October 2010
img Paul Howell Reading
Paul Howell, a part-time Townshipper and the author of The Montreal Olympics (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2009) and Joseph's Hardware (2008), will read from his latest novel, Eustis Circle, at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 20, at Studio Georgeville. Refreshments will be served.
Eustis Circle is the first of five novels about survival strategies in the Northeast of the United States from 1946 to the 1990s. It tells the story of John Chauncey and his friends, who grow up during the McCarthy era. They struggle with freedom, conformity, friends and neighbours, abuse, poverty, and great wealth but learn to love reality. Some of them will turn out to be ordinary, while others will show exceptional talents. Because of certain shared experiences in the early school grades, they will reMay n lifelong friends.
Studio Georgeville will have copies of Eustis Circle for sale at Paul Howell's reading. We also carry The Montreal Olympics and Joseph's Hardware in our bookstore.
For an interview with Paul Howell, visit


18 October 2010
img Easy Entertaining
The "What's Cooking" workshop with Louise Casault was a big success on Saturday, October 16. Studio Georgeville is hoping to entice Louise to give another workshop in the future. To see her report on the proceedings, please visit:
If you were unable to attend the workshop but would like to learn how to prepare some delicious dishes using local produce, you might want to drop into Studio Georgeville and buy a copy of the book that Louise Casault produced in conjunction with the workshop. 


13 October 2010
img GG Award Nomination for Elizabeth Abbott
Studio Georgeville is delighted to announce that Elizabeth Abbott, the sister of gallery member Louise Abbott,is a finalist for the 2010 Governor General's literary award for non-fiction for her latest book,  A History of Marriage.
Studio Georgeville has copies available in our bookstore. We also have copies of Elizabeth's previous book, Sugar: A Bittersweet History, in both French and English. Sugar was a finalist for the 2009 Charles Taylor Award.


16 September 2010
Journées de la Culture
Please come and learn more about the work of three Townships artists. Denis Palmer will be demonstrating his watercolour techniques. Louise Abbott will screen films about the Cree of James Bay, including From Bark to Basket, a short documentary about the making of bark baskets by the Traditional Skills Group of Wemindji. Françoise Cloutier will give a presentation on Chinese calligraphy and will then give a demonstration of it.
Denis Palmer:  Saturday, September 25, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Louise Abbott:  Saturday, September 25,  3 p.m.
Françoise Cloutier:  Sunday, September 26: 1:30 and 2:30 p.m.


16 September 2010
img Cornucopia
Studio Georgeville's new show - Cornucopia - is an artistic reflection of the beauty and abundance of the Eastern Townships in the autumn. On display will be the work of artists Judy Bachelder, Mahmoud Bagheian, Françoise Cloutier, Sara Peck Colby, Anthony Hobbs, Prudence Heward-Morgan, Denis Palmer, and Susan Valyi, as well as studio co-op members Louise Abbott, Mary Cartmel, Pamela Cartwright, Elin Gustafson, Niels Jensen, and Agnes McKenna Power. The show runs from Tuesday, September 21 to Sunday, November 7.


6 September 2010
img Océans Sold Out!
Asian Sheepshead Wrasse, a fish found off the coast of Japan.
Oceans is a new documentary with stunning footage and narration by actor Pierce Brosnan. Studio Georgeville is hosting a screening of Oceans to benefit the Memphremagog Wetlands Foundation. 
Date:  Saturday, October 23, 2010
Time: 7 p.m.
Running Time: 1 hr. 24 min.
Place: Murray Memorial Hall, Georgeville


06 September 2010
img What's Cooking?
Studio Georgeville is hosting a culinary workshop with local chef par excellence Louise Casault.
For a preview of the menu and the book that participants will receive, visit
Date: Saturday, October 16, 2010
Time: 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Place: Murray Memorial Hall, Georgeville
Price: $125.00
(The fee includes the workshop, the ingredients for the meal, the book, and a sit-down dinner. All necessary tools and utensils will be supplied.)
To register for the workshop or to receive additional information about it, please contact Studio Georgeville at  studiogeorgeville@gMay  or phone 819-843-9992.  


06 September 2010
img Sculpture by Niels Jensen
Cabinetmaker and Studio Georgeville member Niels Jensen recently received a commission that was a departure from the fine furniture that he usually makes: he was called upon to sculpt an Inukshuk. He installed it over Labour Day weekend in his clients' garden outside of Georgeville. We thought our web readers might like to see it, too.  


04 September 2010
img Jean-Marc Tétro
Studio Georgeville recently had the pleasure of showing metal sculptures by Melbourne artist Jean-Marc Tétro, so Georgeville freelance writer Heather Paterson decided to visit Tétro and learn more about his work. We earlier posted the original English version of her article, but we wanted to post a French version, too. The English version can still be read in our web archives.


30 August 2010
img Off the Wall
This painting by Georgeville artist Dale Mills is among the many works now available at greatly reduced prices.
This is the last week! 
Off the Wall/Art Sale

Studio Georgeville will be hosting a special exhibition from Tuesday, August 31 to Sunday, September 19‹artwork from collectors with crowded walls and from artists with crowded studios. If you're looking to start or bolster your own art collection, you'll find excellent work for excellent prices during the Off the Wall show.


17 August 2010
img Meet Jean-Marc Tétro
Tétro's larger work is sought-after by city planners and architects, as well as by art collectors. His beautiful gates and monuments are part of the day-to-day life of the people of Sherbrooke and other towns. The income that Tétro receives from contractual work allows him the luxury of devoting part of his time to his personal artwork, which is in a constant state of evolution. "I spend a lot of time musing on the particular work of art I want to create next. These works are deeply connected to my spiritual quest, and attempt to express that process."
Tétro's art can be very physically demanding, but he has never been one to hold back or refuse a new challenge. His commitment to immersion in life and art has come at a cost. Now in his mid-fifties, he has survived not only brain and throat cancer, but also a heart attack. These crises, provoked in part by the stress of trying to meet the high demand for his work, turned out to be a blessing: they motivated him to examine his life. He made the decision to pare down his business and focus on his health. At one time, he employed 7 or 8 people; now he works alone, and has a better grasp on how much work he can handle comfortably.
As a child, Tétro spent a lot of time drawing; his interest and talent were recognized by an aunt who painted and prompted his parents to encourage their son's creativity. Resistant to schooling in the elementary years, Tétro made the decision to take art seriously in his late teens. He immersed himself in art and drawing; for a decade he studied art at CEGEP, took private lessons from artist/teacher Jacques Lajeunesse, and travelled through Europe to absorb the work of classic artists.
Always a tactile person, Tétro created increasingly three-dimensional acrylic paintings, and then turned to making jewellery and sculptures. At the moment, he is working on a tribute to renowned Melbourne painter Frederick Simpson Coburn. He is producing a life-sized sculptural representation of Coburn's favourite subject-horses and sleighs against the landscape of the Eastern Townships. Fittingly enough, he intends to set the mammoth metal work against that same landscape.
To see Jean-Marc Tétro's newest creation is to marvel at the energy and strength of the artist who conceived it. It is clear that he is a man who rejoices in the creative process and in life itself.


09 August 2010
img Outside In & Windows, Gates, and Doors
Works by Louise Abbott, Mary Cartmel, Pamela Cartwright, Niels Jensen, Martin Myers, Christine Pelzer, Agnes McKenna Power, Lucie St-Jean, Jean-Marc Tétro, Anna Williams.
The exhibition will continue until Sunday, August 29, 2010.


06 August 2010
img A Garden Tour
Studio Georgeville Presents (By reservation only) A GARDEN TOUR   With Melbourne sculptor Jean-Marc Tétro
Enjoy an hour-long tour of Jean-Marc Tétro's outdoor garden sculptures on the beautiful grounds of a Georgeville estate.
Date: Saturday, August 14 /Time: 3 p.m.
Address: La Prucheraie (Hemlock Grove)
500, chemin Lindsay, Georgeville, QC
Cost: $20.00 per person
Please reserve as soon as possible by paying Studio Georgeville in advance.
We ask garden tour participants to park on the edge of the road outside the entrance gates (made by Jean-Marc Tétro) of La Prucheraie (Hemlock Grove). The artist and one of the homeowners will greet you to begin the tour. Following the tour, there will be a vernissage at Studio Georgeville from 5 to 7 p.m. of dual exhibitions "Outside In" and "Windows, Gates, and Doors," featuring the works of Jean-Marc Tétro and other prominent artists from the Townships and beyond.


2 August 2010
img Meet Anthony Hobbs
Townships painter Anthony Hobbs has shown his canvasses at Studio Georgeville on several occasions. Heather Paterson, our media relations officer, recently interviewed him in order to enable gallery goers to learn more about his life and work.

Painter Anthony Hobbs has never been too concerned with selling his work. Such a concern, he feels, impedes the need to evolve, which is the essence of creativity. His latest series of paintings, called, "Ciel et Terre," superbly demonstrates his commitment to evolution‹in this case, the transition from representational to abstract art. The catalyst for Hobbs's transition was an accident of failing light. Returning home in the evening with a painting that he hadn't managed to complete before dark, he realized that he neither needed nor wanted to accurately represent what he saw.  Hobbs seeks to escape the tyranny of the landscape‹that is the back-and-forth between "reality" and painting that representational art demands. Rather, he likes the total immersion in the work that abstraction allows; it enables him to get to the heart of the matter.
"By moving away from traditional landscape," says Hobbs, "I have attempted to liberate my work, to give it a heightened sense of drama. I seek to evoke the essence of a landscape - its space, depth, and emotional content - in a way that stirs a sense of recognition and an emotional response in the viewer." And indeed, these paintings of water, land, and sky evoke in each viewer a place and time deeply embedded in the psyche. They have a beauty, depth, and grandeur that derive from the artist's sensitivity to the whole experience of nature and not simply the visual‹his subjugation to the will and spirit of what he experiences. "I work hard," says Hobbs. "Sometimes I become so immersed in my work that after a day of painting, I'm still on another wavelength."
Hobbs's success as an artist derives in part from his training and long career as a successful graphic designer: He brings to his art an eye for design and a sense of connection to the viewer. But his genius derives mostly from his self-discipline. He keeps his eye-hand co-ordination in form by constant practice‹sketching people and landscapes and buildings and scenarios that catch his eye. He attends weekly drawing classes, and brings his small sketch book with him wherever he goes. His discipline and devotion give him the freedom to paint playfully and spontaneously.
Like most good artists, Hobbs approaches his work with an open mind. "I never really know where my painting will go. One thing leads to another; one part of the painting affects another part. It's a struggle to orchestrate the parts to create a whole." Hobbs's paintings may take weeks to evolve. After a day of painting, he puts the work aside to allow it to "cook overnight" - for the colours to dry and change, and to give him some detachment and perspective. Each painting, he feels, shows the history of that work, "the energy of the moment" that makes each painting a new and unreproducible experience for both painter and viewer. Born in Southampton, England, Hobbs studied art, illustration, and design at St. Martin's School of Art in London. He moved to Canada in 1968, and established a highly successful career in graphic art and design. He taught graphic design at Dawson College and was a visiting lecturer at Concordia University. About twenty years ago, he gave up most of his interest in his graphics art company and devoted himself to painting. His paintings have been shown in both solo and group exhibitions in Montreal and the Eastern Townships, and are part of many private collections.
Anthony Hobbs's work‹both large canvasses and smaller studies‹can be seen  at Studio Georgeville in Outside In, which runs until Sunday, August 29.        


28 July 2010
L'atelier de mon père
Studio Georgeville recently hosted a very enjoyable screening of L'atelier de mon père (My Father's Studio). This  film looks back at the life and work of Quebec artist Edmund Alleyn (1931-2004). It was directed by his daughter, Jennifer. 
Nora Alleyn, Edmund's sister, was present to introduce the film and to answer questions afterwards. The response was so enthusiastic that we are considering the possibility of showing more art films in the future. We would welcome feedback on this idea.
In the meantime, we wanted to let you all know that Nora kindly donated a DVD of the film for our video lending library. We also have a growing collection of other art films. Do come by and check them out.


20 July 2010
img The Studio Show
Studio Georgeville presents  Graeme Ross
The Studio Show  Oeuvres de/Works by Mahmoud Baghaeian, Lynda Bruce, Mary Cartmel, Pamela Cartwright, Pierre Chénier, Elin Gustafson, Anthony Hobbs, Niels Jensen, Martin Myers, Agnes McKenna Power, Graeme Ross, Stefan Starenkyj.
The exhibition will continue until Sunday, August 8, 2010.


15 July 2010
imgimg A Look Back at the Second Annual Master Craftsmen Presentation
The recent presentation on timber-frame construction and restoration by Daniel Addey-Jibb and Murray Elliott of Hamlet Heavy Timberwork was a resounding success. Sixty people turned out. In addition to a digital slide show, Daniel and Murray set up a demonstration area outdoors where people could try their hand at making wooden pegs. Members of the Rhicard family of Stanbridge East were on hand, and Dianne Rhicard kindly gave us permission to display a couple of the pictures she snapped. Above are presenters Murray Elliott (left) and Daniel Addey-Jibb. Below is John Rhicard.


15 July 2010
A Photo Workshop with Linda Rutenberg
Montreal photographer Linda Rutenberg has travelled the world in recent years photographing gardens at night for three sumptuous books on the subject.
On the evening of August 8, she will give a photography workshop in a Georgeville garden and share her techniques for creating stunning images of flora after dark.
The workshop runs from 8 p.m. to approximately 11 p.m. The fee is $50.
Particpants must have a working knowledge of photography and must bring a digital camera or a conventional film camera; a tripod; and a camping flashlight. (No LEDs, please.)
There are only ten places available for this exciting workshop, and they are filling up fast! To register, please drop by Studio Georgeville at 20 Carré Copp, eMay l us (, or phone us at 819-843-9992. Our business hours are Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.  


7 July 2010
Mystery Novelist Blanche Putzel at Studio Georgeville
Studio Georgeville Présente/Presents Mystery novelist Blanche Renard Putzel
Date: Thursday, July 15, 2010
Time: 2 p.m.
Place: Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville
Writer Blanche Renard Putzel will read and discuss her new mystery novel, Murder on the Hill: An Emily Blossom Mystery, on Thursday, July 15, at 2 p.m., at Studio Georgeville. The novel, set against the backdrop of World War II, revolves around a murder in a small town in eastern Ontario that closely resembles Vankleek Hill, where Putzel makes her home. Emily Blossom, an adventuresome senior, is the improbable sleuth who resolves to solve the case with the reluctant assistance of a local antique dealer. According to reviewer Matthew Brown, "This lighthearted, cozy mystery is a good read with a satisfying aftertaste."
Entrance to Putzel's presentation is free. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, please call 819-843-9992.  


21 June 2010
img Timber-Frame Construction and Restoration
Studio Georgeville Presents Timber-Frame Construction and Restoration:
A Presentation by Daniel Addey-Jibb and Murray Elliott of Hamlet Heavy Timberwork
Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Place: Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville, QC
In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in timber framing, a construction technique that can be traced to medieval Europe. The timber frame of a beautiful new barn, a replica of a nineteenth-century high-drive barn, was recently completed in the vicinity of Georgeville.
Come and find out more about timber framing from Daniel Addey-Jibb and Murray Elliott, the driving forces behind Hamlet Heavy Timberwork and the new barn outside of Georgeville. They will show digital slides, talk about the work that they have done in both Europe and Canada, and give some demonstrations.
The admission charge is $5.00. Light refreshments will be served.
Read more about Hamlet Heavy Timberwork and the Georgeville barn project in the Saturday, June 26 edition of  The (Montreal) Gazette.


11 June 2010
imgimgimg Basket Stars!
Judy Bachelder's recent basket weaving workshop was an unqualified success, as photos snapped by Studio Georgeville member Agnes Power make clear.
This is the second workshop that Georgeville's basket maker nonpareil Judy Bachelder has held.
If you would like to attend a future basket weaving workshop or have ideas for some other sort of workshop, please get in touch with us! 
You can reach us by phone at 819-843-9992.


07 June 2010
Photographing Art
Studio Georgeville Presents  Photographing Art
A Workshop Designed for Artists Who Need to Produce Digital Reproductions of their Work
Workshop Leader: René De Carufel
Date: Saturday, June 26
Times: 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Participants can register for either the morning or the afternoon workshop.
Place: Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville
Each workshop is 3 hours in length with a maximum of eight participants.
 René De Carufel will be covering the following topics in each workshop:
 Theory: The digital image; The camera and lens; Resolution and sensors; File format; RGB versus CMYK; Colour temperature and achieving colour accuracy; Exposure  Practice: The setup; Camera; Tripod; Light sources; Lining up the work; Lighting ratio for texture; Dealing with shiny surfaces; Shooting through glass; Shooting outdoors  Post-production: Screen calibration; Basic Photoshop; Printing  


26 May 2010
Meet Willa Drummond
Studio Georgeville is pleased to represent the work of professional jeweller Willa Drummond, who designs and fabricates under the name of Willa Designs. She was born and raised in Montreal, and now lives and works in downtown Toronto.
Willa has an honours degree in psychology from the University of Western Ontario, and an honours diploma from the Ontario College of Art. She has been a member of both the Ontario Crafts Council and the Metal Arts Guild. She has also been a fundraiser for the latter organization.
Upon completion of a three-and-a-half-year internship in the Metal Studio at Harbourfront Centre, in Toronto, Willa opened her own studio in 1997. As a jeweller, she fits into the "studio bench jeweller" category, that is, she controls all aspects herself. She takes each piece from a drawing to the finished constructed object or from the hand-carved piece in wax to the finished assembled item of jewellery. She even sets most of her own stones.
Willa has been featured in two publications and won numerous awards. She regularly exhibits in juried shows. Exhibiting in craft shows is a large part of how she earns her living. Craft shows allow her direct feedback from the buying public.
Willa's career has included working as a bench hand for over ten years, as well as teaching adult education classes in Toronto and full-time college-level classes through Aurora College in the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut Arctic College in Nunavut.  


15 May 2010
img Faces of Georgeville
Studio Georgeville's new exhibition,Faces of Georgeville, runs until Sunday, June 20, presenting the work of acrylic painter Pamela Cartwright and photographer Mary Landry.  These two talented artists have long been intent on portraying people integral to the character and history of the lovely village of Georgeville. Their paintings and photographs include individuals from every walk of life‹farmers, carpenters, business people, artists, housewives. Although Cartwright and Landry have created images that are specific to this part of the Townships, their ability to capture the essence of each person makes the show universal in its appeal. Each portrait or vignette in Faces of Georgeville tells the story of a life; you will recognize in them a piece of your own life, or recall something about someone you love. It is impossible to see this show and not be moved.

  Cartwright, a native of Georgeville since the mid-1970s, studied art in school and at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. When her three children were young, she set aside her painting. But she took photographs of her neighbours, accumulating a wealth of material to draw upon when she returned to painting. Using acrylics as her medium, she produces what she calls 'vignettes'‹portraits that show people in their homes, in the company of their favourite pets or doing work that they love. The details of their environment reveal as much about the people as their physical characteristics. In Faces of Georgeville, Cartwright is showing a few paintings borrowed from collectors, as well as six or seven new works.
Landry has been a professional photographer since the 1960s. For many years she had her own portraiture business in Montreal, and she has exhibited her work in many shows. Like Cartwright, she has always felt an urgency to preserve the lives of local individuals in our collective memory, and she is well-known for her wonderful black-and-white portraits of village "celebrities."  Like Cartwright's subjects, Landry's are drawn from a wide range of ages, occupations, and personalities, and show people at ease in their own settings. "I love being on that side of the camera," Landry says. "My relationship to those people changes in the process."  


05 April 2010
img Denis Palmer Back by Popular Demand!
Studio Georgeville is offering a two-day workshop with this watercolour master in August:
Saturday, August 28, and Sunday, August 29
The workshops will be held outdoors, or, in the event of foul weather, indoors at Studio Georgeville. They will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a one-hour lunch break.  
Artists should bring their own materials (pencils, watercolours, a sketchbook with a rigid back or paper and a portable board or easel) and dress suitably for the outdoors or indoors, as the weather dictates.
The fee for the workshop is $100. Registrants can mail their cheque (payable to Studio Georgeville) to Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville, Quebec, J0B 1T0. They can also pay by cash, credit card or debit card in person at Studio Georgeville. The number of places is limited, so early registration is advised. To register, please phone Studio Georgeville at 819-843-9992


05 April 2010
img Colour for Contemplation
Throughout March until April 4, innovative Townships artist Sigrid Fisher will show her work at the gallery. The vernissage for Colour for Contemplation will take place on Saturday, March 6, 2010 from 5 to 7 p.m.
Please note that Studio Georgeville is open on Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.


28 March 2010
Music at Studio Georgeville
In addition to fine art, books, and DVDs, Studio Georgeville carries CDs by Townships performers, including the talented duo of David and Elaine Vachon. Listen to "Crow in the Morning," a song written by Elaine that is featured on their album  Made  Perfect by Love.


25 March 2010
Townshippers' Association at Studio Georgeville
Studio Georgeville is delighted to report that the Townshippers' Association will hold their annual general meeting at the gallery on Friday, June 4, between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. There will also be a reception at the gallery and a display of photographs and text by high school students about the places in the Townships where they live. The association will hold its awards banquet at Murray Memorial Hall at 6:30 p.m.


10 March 2010
img Heritage Georgeville Exhibition
Studio Georgeville Presents "Heritage Georgeville"
June 26 to July 18

Studio Georgeville is located in a historic building in Georgeville, one of the early settlements on Lake Memphremagog. Thus it seemed fitting for the gallery to host an exhibition that looks at the history of the village. The show is titled "Heritage Georgeville" and opens on Saturday, June 26. It will showcase late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century photographs of Georgeville printed from high-resolution digital scans of glass plates from a private collection. Studio Georgeville has been granted the right to sell a limited edition of the fifteen framed prints as a fund raiser for the gallery.
The Heritage Georgeville exhibition will also include scenes of Georgeville and environs produced by members of the Coopérative des Artistes de Georgeville, who run Studio Georgeville.
As an adjunct to the exhibition, cooperative member Louise Abbott is producing a video about the heritage architecture of Georgeville that will feature local historian John Boynton and other residents of the village and surrounding area. The soundtrack will include nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century music played by Georgeville's own Sarah Hoblyn. Clips from the video will be on view during the exhibition. The full video will be available for sale at the gallery at a later date.
The "Heritage Georgeville" show runs from Saturday, June 26, to Sunday, July 18, 2010.
For more old views of the village, see "Pictures of Georgeville Then and Now."

img Studio Georgeville Presents Anthony Hobbs & Stefan Starenkyj
du 26 June au 18 juillet/June 26 to July 18
In addition to the "Heritage Georgeville" exhibition, Studio Georgeville will also be presenting new works by Townships artists Anthony Hobbs & Stefan Starenkyj.


08 March 2010
img Exhibition by David Farley
Montreal artist David Farley will be showing his colourful paintings at Studio Georgeville from April 10 to May 16, 2010.  To learn more about Farley, see "Faites la connaissance de David Farley/Meet David Farley."


06 March 2010
img Meet David Farley
Ottawa-born artist David Farley attended the Ontario College of Art in Toronto before university studies at McGill University and Harvard University in architecture, city planning, and urban design. During the 1960s and 1970s, he taught at New York University and then at Harvard, where he was an associate professor of urban design. He returned to Canada in the mid-1970s to become a professor of architecture and planning at McGill. After his retirement from McGill in 1993, he taught at Queen's University and then the University of the West Indies in Trinidad.
In addition to teaching, Farley has been active as a consultant to governments and the private sector, working on projects in Algeria, Bahrain, Belize, Mexico, and Trinidad, as well as on projects in North America. In partnership with John Schreiber and Ron Williams, he won the design competition for Champs de March next to City Hall in Montreal in the 1980s.
During his teaching and consulting career, Farley May ntained a parallel career as an artist, often painting on recycled material. He did a series of paintings of Newport and Jamestown, Rhode Island, on old boat sails. He also did a series of paintings of the Saint Lawrence River and environs on discarded wood that he discovered in alleyways in the Plateau neighbourhood of Montreal.
Since the summer of 2009, he has been painting on waterlogged boards that he found near a sawmill on the St. Francis River in the Eastern Townships. In the past, Farley has exhibited at urban galleries, like the Shayne Gallery in Montreal. Given the origins of his new work, he felt that it would be particularly appropriate to have a show at Studio Georgeville.


19 february 2010
img Sigrid Fisher Contemplates Colour
As an only child growing up in Dryden, Ontario, artist Sigrid Fisher spent hours in the woods observing nature, and then hours on the living room floor drawing what she'd observed. "I've always loved drawing," she says. Her art and sensibilities, deeply rooted in the natural world, are revealed by the materials she chooses, the effects she creates, and by the evolution of her work over the years. Her latest body of work, Colour for Contemplation, will soon be on view at Studio Georgeville, an art gallery in the heart of Georgeville.
After graduating from the Ontario College of Art and Design, Fisher worked as a fashion illustrator in Montreal. She later expanded her drawing abilities and studied etching at Open Studio in Toronto, where she developed a taste for minimalism. She has since developed a unique art form that is closely tied to the natural world, and that incorporates her love for drawing and minimalism.  She has had solo exhibitions in Ontario, Vermont, and the Eastern Townships, and has been part of over thirty group shows.
As a member of RACE (Regroupement des Artistes des Cantons de l'Est) in Sherbrooke, Fisher has continued to produce work that reflects her predilection for natural forms and her personal commitment to nature and its preservation. She has frequently worked with wood, and she has a particular connection with stones, which she loves for "the tension between the edges and spaces" and for the memories that they hold.  She has often drawn stones of different sizes and shapes, particularly those with a rounded, sensual appearance as voluptuous as a woman's body.
Fisher likes to wrap things, to tie together the elements of nature; in a 2002 outdoor installation with fellow artist Jo Cooper, she honoured the bounty of the forest by wrapping a group of trees in a broad, inclusive ribbon of paper. After her Swedish mother died, Fisher paid tribute to her with a drawing of four shapely stones from the lake her mother loved, grouping the stones together and encircling them with fine rope. This encircling or bonding of disparate elements relates to Fisher's love for the circle, which she sees as the circle of life, containing energy within it. 
"Painting is a very spiritual experience for me," Fisher says. She never knows where her spirit will take her, but she allows it to have a voice. "I develop a surface as close as I can to the images I have in my head. The images are derived from inner feelings‹from the land, a love of peace, and from glimpsed events that may mirror deeper contradictions."  Her minimalist approach aims to show "the essence of my idea worked through to a calm and peaceful place."
Until recently Fisher has worked with muted natural colours‹shades of white, which create the shadowy effects of snow and ice; blacks; greys; and muted blues.
"For a long time, I was in love with black, its depth and moods. It seemed to echo my own feelings." Her graphite drawings, which are often incorporated into her paintings, include swirls, nests, and black and grey trees in motion. 
"Lately," she says, "I've discovered colour! Reds and yellows and blues! And big paintings!  I can't get enough of them."
At her upcoming exhibition at Studio Georgeville, Colour for Contemplation, you will find large canvasses painted with layers and layers of colour, one glorious colour over another, each layer revealing itself through the next. Describing her latest work, Fisher says, "I see these works as a walk through a landscape. Each layer is a step, a declaration determining the outcome of a painting. It is a way of seeing, arising from an inner source that guides me through the processŠ. The colours may take a passage from joy and light into a dark, sad place. I hope the viewers of these paintings will experience some moments of contemplation and pleasure."
Fisher's big, beautiful paintings reveal the artist as someone who dares to rejoice in the natural beauty that surrounds her, and to hope that somehow it won't be lost to future generations. The vernissage for Colour for Contemplation took place from 5 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 6, at Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville. The exhibition will continue until April 4. Studio Georgeville is closed for the month of February but will reopen for weekend visits on Saturday, March 6. 


07 February 2010
img Meet Sigrid Fisher
Sigrid Fisher, who lives in Austin, Quebec, studied drawing and painting at the Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto. She also studied printmaking at the Saidye Bronfman Centre in Montreal and at Open Studio in Toronto. She worked as a freelance fashion illustrator and in graphic arts in both Montreal and Toronto. She is currently dedicated to drawing, painting, and printmaking in Quebec. Her works are included in many private collections and corporate collections of Canadian art. 


16 january 2010
Raising Funds for Haiti
  A Benefit Concert
We are very pleased to report that Studio Georgeville's benefit concert for the Canadian Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti raised $2,500, which was matched by the federal government for a total of $5,000. We would like to thank the musicians‹Mike Goudreau and David and Elaine Vachon‹and our speaker‹Elizabeth Abbott‹who all put in a great deal of effort to be with us and entertain and inform us.
We would also like to thank Yves Pierre-Louis, who drove Elizabeth Abbott from Montreal to Georgeville; John Dickerson, John Hoblyn, and Brendan Rhodes, who helped put up the stage and lights; Linda Keymer, Helen and Jay Belliard, and Tony Kemp, who pitched in during the event; Heather Paterson and Mary Ann Mongeau, who did a great job in publicizing the concert; and our translator, Mélanie Grondin, who did the translation for our publicity lickety-split, but with her usual attention to detail.
Thanks, too, to CBC-Radio in Quebec City and to the local media, including The Record and The Stanstead Journal, for helping to make the concert such a success.  


4 january 2010
Studio Georgeville
Our summer hours are drawing to an end. We'll be open from Tuesday to Sunday (11 a.m. to 5 p.m.) until October 3. After that, we'll switch to our fall/winter schedule below:
Studio Georgeville is open on Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville, QC
For more information: 819-843-9992



20 December 2009
img Faites la connaissance de Marika Szabo/Meet Marika Szabo
Among the artists who exhibit regularly at Studio Georgeville is stained-glass and intaglio artist extraordinaire Marika Szabo. To learn more about her work, please see  


13 December 2009
Studio Georgeville Présente/Presents
The first feature documentary about laughing. It's guaranteed to banish the winter blues!
Part of the admission charge will be donated to CAB Rediker in Stanstead.
CAB Rediker does wonderful work for the community, and it was robbed during its Christmas basket campaign.
Let's not let the grinches steal the spirit of the holiday season!

Saturday, December 19, 2009, 5 p.m.
Murray Memorial Hall, 4680 Chemin Georgeville, Georgeville
Running Time: 66 minutes
Filmmaker Albert Nerenberg will be on hand to introduce and discuss his highly acclaimed film.
Admission charge: $7.50
A potluck supper will follow the film.
Please bring your favourite dish! We'll provide tea, coffee, juice, and milk.
Pour plus de renseignements ou réservations/For more information or reservations:
819-843-9992 or 819-876-5914
 "It's simply hilarious!" CBC Radio
"You'll be gasping for air!" The Montreal Gazette


23 October 2009
Paul Howell Book Launch
You are cordially invited to a launch of The Montreal Olympics: An Insider's View of Organizing a Self-financing Games (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2009) in the presence of the author, Ogden resident Paul Charles Howell.
Saturday, November 7, 2009, 3:00-5:00 p.m.
Wine and cheese will be served.
Paul Charles Howell came to Montreal from New York City. Mentored by Paul Desrochers, Bourassa's "eminence grise," he became the Olympic Games planner, 1970-1976. He went on to plan IT for Canadian Pacific Ltd for ten years, teach in the McGill University Faculty of Management, and consult worldwide on planning, especially in deregulated industries (energy, transportation, telecommunications and financial services). He consulted to the Olympic Organizing Committees in Moscow, Los Angeles, and Seoul. Other books by Paul, published by HT/TH Howell Technologies, Inc, are Joseph's Hardware and Eustis Circle. He has lived in Ogden, QC, since 1982.
It has been more than a generation since the '76 summer Olympic Games, yet those Games live in memory. If you competed in them or saw the Games live or on TV, you may remember them fondly. If you only know the Games as a cost item on your tax bill, however, you may not love them so much.
The Games were ­ and are ­ a complex project, or a multitude of complex projects. Staging an Olympics is a set of huge challenges, a race against time, an organizational task unique in its sheer bigness, integration, global reach and unmovable deadline. It is very exciting, and at many points, very scary. The Montréal Games were exceptional in quite a few ways: the geopolitics of the early 1970s, terrorism and the Munich Games of 1972, the rise of the Parti Québécois, the coming of age of worldwide TV, computers and communications, the two-year delay in completing the Velodrome promised for the 1974 Cycling World Championships, which had to be improvised on short notice, as did building the Olympic Village, the Moscow Games of 1980 - boycotted by order of President Jimmy Carter - and a cast of other memorable characters: most of all the amazing Mayor of Montréal, Jean Drapeau and Québec Premier Robert Bourassa, Roger Taillibert, the architect of the Olympic Park, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, President Nixon who resigned in 1974, and Lord Killanin, head of the International Olympic Committee after the long tenure of Avery Brundage.
Whether you think the Games were a success or a failure, a good investment or a financial catastrophe, streamlined or anarchic, and whether you think the Games' legacy is good, or not good enough, understanding the staging of the Games will provide some helpful guideposts and surprising insights about how to plan, finance and organize Olympic Games ­ or any other complex big-ticket item, along with reasons for keeping the Games going.


29 September 2009
Cree Crafts
Our Christmas exhibition included spruce baskets and moosehide mukluks made by Cree artisans from James Bay. Visitors were also able to view From Bark to Basket. This short video about basketmaking was produced recently by Studio Georgeville members Louise Abbott and Niels Jensen for the Cree Nation of Wemindji.
Valerie Atsynia is part of the Traditional Skills Group of the Cree Nation of Wemindji. Here she displays the kind of spruce basket that was sold during Studio Georgeville's annual Christmas show. Studio Georgeville will continue to sell Cree crafts in the coming months.
Please watch our eMay ls and check our web site for updates on our exhibitions and other events. You can also phone Studio Georgeville at 819-843-9992.


26 September 2009
Bon Appétit
Plein les bras by Sylvain Leblanc
Bon Appétit
Works by Mahmoud Baghaeian, Mary Harman, Anthony Hobbs, Natalie Kemp, Sylvain Leblanc, Susan Pepler, et al. Tuesday, September 22-Sunday, November 1, 2009
Business hours: Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.


26 September 2009
Meet Mahmoud Baghaeian
Studio Georgeville is pleased to represent the work of Mahmoud Baghaeian, who was born into an Iranian family of artists. He studied carpet and tile design, as well as painting and sculpture. In 1978 he moved to Canada. After studying engineering, he discovered clay and enrolled in a ceramic program. With his first major exhibition in 1990, he made a dramatic debut on the Montreal art scene. In 1999 he was elected to the International Academy of Ceramics. Baghaeian's work is characterized by fluid, Persian-inspired designs and refined, classical forms: Each piece is a painting as much as a sculpture, an ancient relic as much as a contemporary art object. Baghaeian is the recipient of numerous grants and awards. He has exhibited widely, and his work is in public, private, and corporate collections all over the world.


04 September 2009
Claire Holden Rothman
Studio Georgeville presents Montreal author Claire Holden Rothman
Saturday, September 26,  3-5 p.m.
Please join us to hear Claire Holden Rothman read from The Heart Specialist, a novel inspired by the life of Dr. Maude Abbott, and to hear her speak about the process of researching and writing this highly acclaimed book. You can purchase the novel at Studio Georgeville at the event, or better  yet, right now!
Claire Holden Rothman is a Montreal fiction writer with a law degree from McGill University and an M.A. in creative writing from Concordia. For many years she taught literature at Marianopolis College and for four years led the advanced fiction workshop in the English department of McGill University.
These days she works as a translator, primarily of scripts for television and film, but she has also translated books. In 1993, she won the John Glassco award for her translation of the first novel written in French Canada, Philippe Aubert de Gaspé Junior's 19th century classic, Le chercheur de trésors (The Influence of a Book).
Claire's own fictions include two collections of stories (Salad Days, Black Tulips) and a novel, The Heart Specialist, published by Cormorant Books in 2009.
The Heart Specialist has been on The (Montreal) Gazette bestseller list for the past six months.
Gazette reviewer Susan Schwartz wrote: "The protagonist of Claire Holden Rothman's deeply satisfying debut novel, The Heart Specialist, is a physician intimate with the anatomy and physiology of the human heart - and yet she seems not to understand the stirrings or yearnings of her own.
"I can pay a book no higher compliment than to say I didn't want it to end. With The Heart Specialist, I rationed my reading, permitting myself only a few chapters at a sitting so as to savour the writing and the story. ... Even as slowly as I read this book, the end came too quickly."


01 September 2009
img David James at Studio Georgeville
Cast-glass sculptor David James will be speaking about his work at Studio Georgeville on Saturday, September 5, at 4 p.m. Please join us to learn more about his fascinating sculptures! Studio Georgeville is located at 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville, QC. For more information, please call 819-843-9992.


31 August 2009
Featured Artist Agnes McKenna Power
Agnes McKenna Power
Studio Georgeville's new exhibition, The Enchanted Forest, takes its title from a print by Agnes McKenna Power. As the featured artist in the show, Power has more than a dozen of her exquisite prints on display.  
Born and raised in Montreal, Power studied art at the Saidye Bronfman Center and Sir George Williams University, as well as at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. In her twenties, she moved to the Eastern Townships. While building a house, caring for her family, and creating and May ntaining gardens, she found little time for her art. After her three children became adults, however, she returned to her career as an artist.
In 2001, at the urging of a friend, she took a course in printmaking at Bishop's University in Lennoxville, and she has never looked back. She has participated in group exhibitions in Magog and Georgeville. This fall, she will have a solo show at the Haskell Library in Stanstead.
"Printmaking suits me," Power says. "I find the entire process incredibly satisfying. The planning of the image, the cutting of the plate, the enormous amount of time and thought that go into the creation, are all rewarded in the printing process. Roll on the ink, press on the paper, and, like magic, images that have obsessed me for years can be realized."  
Since Power's summers are still preoccupied with gardening, winter is her printmaking season. "When I'm travelling through the stark winter landscape of the Townships, I feel blessed with the bounty and beauty that surround me." Power evokes that bounty and beauty in her finely rendered prints.
The Enchanted Forest exhibition runs from September 1 until September 20. The vernissage takes place on Saturday, September 5, from 5 to 7 p.m. Studio Georgeville is located at 20 Carré Copp in Georgeville. For more information, please call 819-843-9992.


11 August 2009
Studio Georgeville Presents Reflections
Works by David James, Denis Palmer, Liz Lambert, Luke Sullivan, Marika Szabo, Michael Bishop, Solange Casiez, Stefan Starenkyj, et al.  Wednesday, August 12­Sunday August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 5-7 p.m.
Buisness hours: Tuesday-Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.


29 July 2009
img The Garden at Night AV Presentation
Internationally renowned photographer Linda Rutenberg will give a presentation titled "The Garden at Night: A Photographic Journey" at Studio Georgeville on Saturday, August 8, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The admission fee is $10, and we encourage you to purchase a ticket in advance at Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville. Our business hours are Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can also eMay l us ( to reserve a ticket or phone us at 819-843-9992.
Rutenberg will discuss the art of garden photography and the challenges of photographing nature at night. She will also give a brief account of the history of garden photography and explain where her work on gardens at night situates itself within that history.
Rutenberg's lecture will include a presentation of her elegant photographs, a question period, and the opportunity to purchase a signed copy of her book After Midnight: Through the Seasons at the Montreal Botanical Garden.
Rutenberg will give her presentation in English, but she will respond to questions in either English or French.


29 July 2009
A Photo Workshop with Linda Rutenberg
Montreal photographer Linda Rutenberg has travelled the world in recent years photographing gardens at night for three sumptuous books on the subject.
  On the evening of August 8, she will give a photography workshop in a Georgeville garden and share her techniques for creating stunning images of flora after dark.
  The workshop runs from 8 p.m. to approximately 11 p.m. The fee is $50.  
Particpants must have a working knowledge of photography and must bring a digital camera or a conventional film camera; a tripod; and a camping flashlight. (No LEDs, please.)
There are only ten places available for this exciting workshop, and they are filling up fast! To register, please drop by Studio Georgeville at 20 Carré Copp, eMay l us (, or phone us at 819-843-9992. Our business hours are Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.


15 July 2009
Robert Blondin
Un entretien avec Robert Blondin, l'auteur du livre Maudit Bonheur
le mercredi 19 August prochain à 17 h 30

Depuis plusieurs étés déjà, il promène les visiteurs sur son voilier, le McGowan, tout en leur communiquant l'admiration et le respect qu'il porte à notre paisible lac.
Pourtant, Robert Blondin est davantage connu pour ses recherches, ses présences médiatiques et ses livres axés sur les mécanismes du bonheur chez l'être huMay n. Ses analyses et ses conclusions sur le sujet sont l'objet de très vastes attentions dans le monde des communications.
Quels sont les chemins parcourus par les gens heureux, d'où qu'ils soient et quelle que soit leur culture? Quels sont les dénominateurs communs des praticiens du bonheur à travers le temps et aux quatre coins du monde?
Robert Blondin nous entretiendra des grandes lignes de son propos sur le bonheur. Rendez-vous avec le bonheur!
L'entretien se tiendra le mercredi 19 August prochain à 17 h 30 et sera d'une durée approximative d'une heure. Les questions et commentaires sont toujours bien accueillis.


14 July 2009
Summer Melody
Studio Georgeville Presents Summer Melody Works by  Mahmoud Baghaeian, Patricia Barrowman, Linda Bruce, Maureen Cameron, Shannon Cooney, Mary Harman, Anthony Hobbs, Jason Krpan, Stuart May n, Ingrid Nicolai, Graeme Ross, Marika Szabo, et al.
Studio Georgeville
Buisness hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m.


23 June 2009
Studio Georgeville Presents Vistas
Works by  Maureen Cameron, Sarah Peck Colby, Sigrid Fisher, Mary Harman, Anthony Hobbs, Betty Jaques, Jean Lukanovich, Stuart May n, Agnes McKenna Power, Graeme Ross, et al.
Saturday, June 27-Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009, 5-7 p.m.
Business hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m


21 June 2009
What's On at Studio Georgeville
We shall soon be celebrating our first anniversary of operation, and wewould like to thank all our patrons for their support since we opened our doors in June of 2008. 
We have many exciting plans for the upcoming year. This summer and fall, in addition to various exhibitions in the gallery, we shall be offering:
A poetry reading with D.G. Jones hosted by writer Kenneth Radu (July 11)
A presentation and workshop with photographer Linda Rutenberg (August 8)
A children's art exhibition (August 14-16)
A writing workshop for children with Monique Polak (August 15).
A watercolour workshop with Denis Palmer (August 29, 30)
A literary reading and discussion with novelist Claire Holden Rothman, the author of The Heart Specialist (September 26)
Keep watching this web site and our Gmail announcements for further details.


21 June 2009
Another Workshop with Denis Palmer
Would you like to learn watercolour painting?
Due to popular demand, Studio Georgeville is offering a second two-day workshop with watercolour master Denis Palmer on Saturday, August 29, and Sunday, August 30, 2009. The workshop will be held outdoors, or, in the event of foul weather, indoors at Studio Georgeville. It will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a one-hour lunch break. Artists should bring their own materials (pencils, watercolours, a sketchbook with a rigid back or paper and a portable board or easel) and bag lunches. They should dress suitably for the outdoors or indoors, as the weather dictates.
The fee for the workshop is $100. Registrants can May l their cheque (payable to Studio Georgeville) to Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville, QC, J0B 1T0. They can also pay by cash, credit card or debit card in person at Studio Georgeville. From late September to late June, the gallery is open on Saturday and Sunday only from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Beginning on June 30, the gallery is open Tuesday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The number of places is limited, so early registration is advised. To register, please phone Studio Georgeville at 819-843-9992 or email us at


24 May 2009
Studio Georgeville presents FLORA
Works by Michelle Atkinson, Lynda Bruce, Jocelyne Defoy Sornin, Art Friedman, Mary Martha Guy, Betty Jaques, Dale Mills, Susan Pepler, Graeme Ross, Linda Rutenberg, Marika Szabo, et al.
Saturday, May 30-Sunday, June 21, 2009
Business hours: Saturday, Sunday 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Blue Poppy  Print Niels Jensen


24 May 2009
img Landscaping with Stones
Studio Georgeville presents Landscaping with Stones:
A Discussion with Drystone Waller Neil Manson

Few scenes are as lovely as a flower garden against a drystone wall. In conjunction with Studio Georgeville's latest exhibition, Flora, Neil Manson - a master craftsman in drystone wall-making - will show slides and answer all your questions about the fine art of constructing a solid and lasting drystone wall, and will give some of the history of drystone walls in this part of the country. 
Manson has been building stone walls in the Townships ever since a passerby noticed the one outside the Manson homestead in Austin in the 1980s.  He asked if Manson could build one for him. "That's how I got into it," Manson says. Drop in on Studio Georgeville this Sunday and learn how to build a drystone wall that will outlast your grandchildren.
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday, June 7, 2009


1 May 2009
Writers Out Loud D.G. Jones
The Quebec Writers' Federation WRITERS OUT LOUD series presents
D.G. Jones, hosted by Kenneth Radu
3 p.m., Saturday, July 11, 2009

D.G. (Douglas Gordon) Jones, one of Canada's major lyric poets and a resident of North Hatley, will read from his latest book, The Stream Exposed With All Its Stones: Collected Poems (Véhicule Press). This career-spanning volume reflects Jones's lifelong concerns with nature, history, popular culture, mortality, and language. Writer Kenneth Radu of Montreal will introduce Jones and also discuss his work with him.
Ever since his 1957 debut poetry volume, Frost on the Sun, D.G. Jones has created poems that are characterized by, as one writer put it, "fast-talking wit, elegance, and playful virtuosity." In 1977 Jones won the Governor General's Award for Poetry for Under the Thunder the Flowers Light Up the Earth. In 1989 and 1995, he won a poetry prize awarded by the Quebec Society for the Promotion of English-Language Literature (QSPELL, the forerunner of the Quebec Writers' Federation).
Jones has also played a prominent role as a translator and a co-founder and editor of the literary magazine ellipse: Writers in Translation. He won a Governor General's Award in 1993 for his translation of Normand de Bellefeuille's Categorics, one, two, and three. He was made an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2007.


24 April 2009
A Workshop with Denis Palmer
Would you like to learn watercolour painting from renowned Townships artist Denis Palmer?
  Studio Georgeville is offering a two-day workshop with this watercolour master on Wednesday, June 17, and Thursday, June 18, 2009. 
The workshop will be held outdoors, or, in the event of foul weather, indoors at Studio Georgeville. It will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a one-hour lunch break.
Artists should bring their own materials (pencils, watercolours, a sketchbook with a rigid back or paper and a portable board or easel) and dress suitably for the outdoors or indoors, as the weather dictates.
  The fee for the workshop is $100. Registrants can May l their cheque (payable to Studio Georgeville) to Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville, Quebec, J0B 1T0. They can also pay by cash, credit card or debit card in person at Studio Georgeville. The gallery is open on Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The number of places is limited, so early registration is advised. To register, please phone Studio Georgeville at 819-843-9992 or email us at


14 April 2009
img Meet Noah Vachon, Fine Guitar Maker
Studio Georgeville is pleased to have a handcrafted guitar for sale in the gallery made by Noah Vachon, 30, a talented musician and guitar maker in the Eastern Townships. One of our co-op members recently spoke to Noah about his work.
Could you please describe in detail the guitar that we're featuring at Studio Georgeville.
This guitar is referred to as a "Dreadnaught," which is a term used to describe the shape of its body. The shallow waist and wide lower bout enhance the guitar's volume and bass response. For the back and sides, I used Indian Rosewood, which typically enhances frequencies in the middle to high range. The top is Adirondack Spruce, which is very light and incredibly stiff, making for a great sound board. The hand-carved neck is Mahogany, which is reinforced by a solid Ebony fingerboard. For appointments I used Flamed Maple bindings with traditional herringbone purfling [an ornamental border]. The finish is nitrocellulose lacquer applied very thinly to allow for uninhibited vibration.
The way a guitar is braced internally has an effect on the way it sounds. This guitar is braced in such a way to increase volume and brightness. It produces very clear notes with good sustain. It has a strong bottom end but with balanced highs. I designed this guitar to be able to hold its own when played with other acoustic instruments. Typically in these settings the banjo is the loudest instrument, hence the name of this guitar‹"Banjo Killer."
What inspired you to begin making guitars?
I've always loved guitars. As a child, one of my first toys was a ukulele, which is basically a small guitar. I took up playing guitar when I was around eleven years old and, as a teenager, I was always taking guitars apart and trying to make them play and sound better. Given my background in music, my love of wood, my sometimes-obsessive attention to detail, and my strong desire to work for myself, I think that it was inevitable that I would try to build a guitar. Once I did that, I was hooked.
When and where did you start?
During the summer of 2007, I took an intensive guitar-building course with a master luthier, Sergei DeJonge. For five weeks I slept in a tent and spent every waking moment in his workshop just soaking it all in. I built my first guitar, and when the course was over, I knew that I had to build another.
Was it a difficult process to learn?
I don't think that guitar building is particularly difficult. But it is very time consuming, and it can be very frustrating if you are impatient. Like anything, if you love it, it's easy.
Did you have to acquire a lot of specialized equipment?
There are a lot of tools to buy, especially if you don't already have a collection of basic woodworking tools. A builder who is working on his own and producing only twelve to fifteen guitars a year won't need to invest as much in specialized equipment as a shop that produces two hundred guitars a year. These days there are tools and jigs for every step of the guitar-building process, but highly skilled luthiers can build a guitar just with planes, saws, files, and chisels.
Are there many guitar makers in the Townships?
There are a few huge guitar factories in the Eastern Townships, but I know of only four other individual builders.
Do professional guitarists generally have handmade guitars?
Many pros, especially classical players, have handmade guitars. One of the benefits of a handmade guitar is that it can be tailored to a specific player. Non-professional players appreciate this quality as well. Do you have particular preferences in woods for guitars?
I can't say that I do. Different woods not only affect a guitar's appearance but can greatly affect the sound a guitar produces. For the guitar that I am working on right now, I am experimenting with Black Walnut, a lovely wood that is not commonly used for acoustic guitars.
Noah is available on short notice to speak to potential customers or to meet with them. To learn more about him, please visit his web site:


09 April 2009
Featured Artist Mary Cartmel
It defies imagination that Mary Cartmel's latest creation, A Murder of Crows, was once a lump of Brazilian soapstone; this delicate interweaving of birds is the epitome of beauty, grace, and movement.  Six crows are engaged in what appears to be both a battle and a dance, their interconnected bodies and wings dark and lustrous.  
Cartmel will sit with a new piece of soapstone for days, looking at it from every angle and then carefully testing it with her chisel and mallet, until she senses the form that is contained within the stone, waiting to emerge. "The most difficult part of sculpting,'' she explains, "is the process of deciding, at every stage, what to remove and what to leave in. The negative space is at least as important as the positive space. It's a constant conversation between the work and the artist." Cartmel's art studies began at the Alberta College of Art, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, in Calgary, and continued at Concordia University in Montreal.  She developed her sculpting techniques, however, on her own. She started to work with soapstone in 1993; she has also produced work in bronze since 2000. Most of her soapstone is imported from Brazil, China or India.
Cartmel loves the softness of soapstone and the veins of colour that run through it.  For her, these organic qualities dictate an organic expression of wildlife, especially birds elegantly captured in motion. Many of her sculptures are of single birds, but in recent years she has been developing more complex creations, like A Murder of Crows. A sculpture such as this takes over two months from start to finish, and the work is very demanding physically.  Nonetheless, Cartmel says, "I love the challenge that a new piece presents." Cartmel's work has been exhibited all over Quebec; in British Columbia; in the United States; in London, England; and in Ireland. In 2005 she won the People's Choice Award at the Salon du Printemps Exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Sherbrooke. 
Cartmel has also done much to support and promote the work of other local and regional artists. She served for five years as president of the artists' association that hosts an art festival in Georgeville and Fitch Bay every July, and this past year she has served as president of the seven-member artists' cooperative that runs Studio Georgeville. Cartmel's portfolio can be seen in the Members' Portfolio section of this web site.   


07 April 2009
A Sneak Preview of For the Birds
The vernissage for For the Birds will take place at Studio Georgeville on Saturday, April 18, from 5 to 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served.
Participating artists include Louise Abbott, Catherine Bates, Maureen Cameron, Mary Cartmel, Pam Cartwright, Rick Caton, Denise Daignault-Bossé, Liz Davidson, Elin Gustafson, Niels Jensen, Virginia McClure, Denis Palmer, Agnes Power, and Richard Wagner.
Throughout April, the gallery will be open on Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Studio Georgeville is located at 20 Carré Copp in Georgeville, Quebec.
For more information, please email or call 819-843-9992.


07 April 2009
img Judy Bachelder Back by Popular Demand!
Atelier de vannerie avec Judy Lord Bachelder
A basket-making workshop with Judy Lord Bachelder

Saturday, June 5, 2010/ / 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Cost: $60.00+$15.00 for materials
To register, please phone Studio Georgeville at 819-843-9992 or email us at . Registrants can May l their cheque (payable to Studio Georgeville) to Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville, Quebec, J0B 1T0. They can also pay by cash, credit card or debit card in person at Studio Georgeville.


05 April 2009
Denis Palmer Back by Popular Demand!
Would you like to learn watercolour painting from renowned Townships artist Denis Palmer?
  Studio Georgeville is offering a two-day workshop with this watercolour master in August:
Saturday, August 28, and Sunday, August 29
The workshops will be held outdoors, or, in the event of foul weather, indoors at Studio Georgeville. They will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a one-hour lunch break.  Artists should bring their own materials (pencils, watercolours, a sketchbook with a rigid back or paper and a portable board or easel) and dress suitably for the outdoors or indoors, as the weather dictates.
The fee for the workshop is $100. Registrants can May l their cheque (payable to Studio Georgeville) to Studio Georgeville, 20 Carré Copp, Georgeville, Quebec, J0B 1T0. They can also pay by cash, credit card or debit card in person at Studio Georgeville. The number of places is limited, so early registration is advised. To register, please phone Studio Georgeville at 819-843-9992 or email us at


03 April 2009
Liz Davidson: Exploring the Human Body
There is something particularly apropos about Sutton sculptor Liz Davidson's participation in Studio Georgeville's current show, Bread and Roses: A Celebration of Women. She has travelled a long road from the sole, uncertain female sculptor in her class at the Ontario College of Art in the 1960s to the artist she is today.
 Female sculptors were unusual in the 1960s; successful female sculptors, even more unusual. When she first began as a student in the male-dominated art-world, Davidson felt that she could not take the more intuitive approach to sculpture that she wanted to take. The few successful women artists of that time were valued, she believed, because they adopted the predominant concepts regarding what was to be considered "real art." Not only were Davidson's efforts not taken seriously, but neither was she. She was told that, like most women, she was a dabbler who would soon be married and feeding babies.  Since that time Davidson has learned a few things-first and foremost, to trust her own creative process, which is to wait and listen for the inner voice to speak, knowing it will bring her to her own deepest truths.
Davidson has been hearing-impaired since a childhood illness damaged her hearing; this has made her especially sensitive to the visual world-to colours, textures, and design. She loves to work with her hands, which have a life and voice of their own and lead her most directly to her soul. And she is always committed to discovering what is true to her, no matter how painful or unpredictable. This is the magic of Liz Davidson. She pays attention to what her art is telling her. "It's bigger than me," she says, smiling. This way of working brings with it an innate cohesiveness, as one thing naturally leads to the next. Sometimes the process can lead to places that surprise and shock the artist.  "It can be pretty scary," Davidson says. "You sometimes wonder if you're letting it go too far. But you really don't have the choice not to keep going."  
Davidson's art poses the questions: Why are we here? How do we become human? By trusting her journey into the female inner landscape-a landscape relatively recently explored through art‹she has found the courage to delve into the dark places, and to reveal both the shadows and the light that arise from this journey. Her art reflects her deep feeling for life, her steady search for what it is that makes us human. One such painful inward journey occurred in 1989, following the tragic deaths of fourteen women at the Polytechnique in Montreal. Although Davidson seldom dreams, she awoke one night with the indelible image of a pregnant woman on the cross.  The image shook and repelled her, but it continued to haunt her. Finally she began to work with it, to explore what it might be trying to say. From this painful soul search she found Sophia, the Greek goddess of wisdom and her three daughters, "Faith," "Hope," and "Charity."  Davidson's artwork, entitled "Sophia ... the female Christ," depicts these elements of Sophia's wisdom, and shows the artist's own hope for forgiveness and acceptance in the face of tragedies such as this.  
Two of Davidson's installations, "Faith" and "Hope," are on display at Studio Georgeville.  They are made of gampi paper (a textured and translucent paper from the bark of the Japanese gampi tree), moulded over a portion of a woman's body, forming a semi-transparent body cast. This beautiful paper fans delicately out from the edges of the body, and conveys (to me at least) the sense that we are more than flesh, that the spirit radiates outwards. The beauty of Davidson's work rises from the darkness of tragedy. The women in many of her works seem to drift, to float in space, their flesh becoming spirit.
Davidson has deeply explored the human body, and situates our humanity and compassion in the truth that it reveals. Her work can be seen at Studio Georgeville until Sunday, April 12, 2009. Studio Georgeville is open Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
To see more of Liz Davidson's beautiful artwork, visit her website at:


13 March 2009
Meet Vita
Come and meet Vita,
the creator of the vibrant series of paintings titled "Women and Wheels."
He will be at Studio Georgeville on Saturday, March 14, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Refreshments will be served.


11 january 2009
Featured Guest Artist Virginia Cope
"Nature, as life, is ever-changing and fleeting," Virginia Sprogis Cope points out.  "I try to seize moments in time, to tell you what I see with limited brush  strokes."         
                                              Ms. Cope is a Townships artist whose oil paintings reveal an intensity and luminosity that draw the viewer in. You can almost hear the frogs and birds celebrating summer and boats humming along the lake. Ms. Cope describes herself as an impressionistic painter whose goal is to capture the immediacy of the moment. To that end, she finds that only oil paint gives her the flexibility, the richness of colour and depth, and the luminosity that she searches for. Some of her paintings, done in more remote areas of Canada, have a lonely Group-of-Seven feeling to them; others, more lush and colourful, capture the rich splendour of the Eastern Townships, where she makes her home.
Ms. Cope, who is the mother of four grown children, began to spend every spare moment working with oil paints more than twenty years ago. Since then, she has shown her canvases in an enviable number of venues‹galleries in Ontario and in the Montreal area, including Stewart Hall, the Visual Arts Centre, and the Walter Klinkhoff Gallery. But she shows primarily in the Eastern Townships. She has been a contributing member of the annual Festival des Arts since its inception as a modest exhibition at Georgeville's Murray Memorial Hall in 1987. Her paintings are also among many private and corporate collections, and have been part of the Red Cross and Alzheimer's Society charity auctions.
Ms. Cope describes herself as self-educated, although she is always studying and searching for new ideas. She has taken courses in oil painting at Concordia University and Montreal's Visual Arts Centre, and she has studied drawing with Roslyn Swartzman at the Saidye Bronfman Centre. She has also taken workshops with such prestigious artists as Molly Lamb Bobak, Hongian Zhang, Lila Lewis-Irving, and Mark Lague. But, like most good artists, she learns primarily through the painting process itself.
"I use gestural strokes, fine tuning as I go along, until my interpretation of what I see is distilled to its essence. This is the challenge that is never-ending and ever-motivating, a journey of discovery that helps me grow as an artist."
Ginny Cope is not an artist to rest on her laurels. It is certain that her work will continue to mature and evolve.
Her newest venue is Studio Georgeville (opposite Georgeville's village square), where the lighting and set-up show artists' work to good advantage. Her paintings are on display in the "Winter's Light" exhibition, beginning January 16, 2009. Studio Georgeville is open Fridays from 2-5, and Saturday and Sunday from 11-5. Ms. Cope's work is also part of the permanent collection of the Galerie Nitsche in Georgeville. Heather Paterson


04 january 2009
img Winter's Light
Studio Georgeville presents a new exhibition, Winter's Light, beginning January 16, 2009. Please note that during the winter months, the gallery is open Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.


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